English Employment Law

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English Employment Law

English Employment Law

In English employment law the issue of employment status is almost exclusively one for the courts to decide upon. Outline the ways and means whereby the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court differentiate between an employee and a self-employed person and comment critically on their procedures.

Understanding the English Employment Law

To begin with a brief description, Employment Law, or more formally entitled as the Labour Law, implies a certain set of rules and regulations that have been coined and patented for the purpose and objective of controlling and restricting of the powers of the working people and their organizations that are running and functioning in the organization.

Amongst the most important facets that comprises the employment or labour law is that of keeping track of the relationships that currently exist among companies and at the same time creating a healthy, productive environment in the country. In addition to this, Labour law is also responsible for the sole aim of creating more employment opportunities and make economical progress.


Now that we excerpted and undertaken a little brief regarding the English Employment Law, we shall pertain to describe the differentiation that the law has made for the working person and self-employed individuals working in the economy.

Working Person

As a general norm, working person or masses of people are generally entitled as those who perform industrial or even manual labour are being considered as working person. However, keeping in view of the employment law, working person implies that kind of people who are employed under someone else's supervision, either performing work by hand or any other activity who are being compensated in the form of remuneration or fees.

Self-employed Individuals

On the other hand, self-employed individuals are those people who have established their business on the basis of their idea and strategy, which is long-term, competitive, and sustainable, generating profits and revenues to the people working in the business as a team and at the same time contributing towards the development and expansion of the economy.

Self-Employment does not only limit to having a business and running it as a sole proprietorship; it could be that people working in the company perform operations occurring on a daily basis and perform acts and traits of managerial skills, which would help them otherwise to develop the company.

Difference of treatment between working persons & self-employed individuals

To keep in view of the understanding and comprehension, we shall first pave way for the purpose and objective of highlighting the kind of efforts that have been identified and patented in the English Employment Law. Here, we shall try to understand and deliberate upon the kind of restrictions and policies according to which an employee or self-employed individual shall be treated in the eyes of law and regulations.

Treatment of Employees

Employees, or the people working as part of the working class, are those individuals or people, who are delivering their time, quality services and acts that make organizations flourish in terms of achieving ...
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