England Riot Of 2011

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England Riot of 2011 as a social or a political problem

England Riot of 2011 as a social or a political problem


If you read the newspaper reports of the England Riots in August 2011, we learned a lot about the socially disadvantaged. Motto: They got out of the stores, what they lacked because of their parents' houses and the vagaries of English society.

It describes the image of a consumerist, totally dependent, performance unwilling, neglected, impoverished and reckless youth. In addition, some writers also believe that "multicultural problem" to touch on briefly, because even louder children "migrant" were seen in plundering. Where one naturally hastens to say that it was no wonder that it came to chipping, since tens of ethnicities were crammed into certain neighbourhoods. What, then, concludes the integration and overall school competent German newspaper readers? After several years of continuous instruction on "integration - education - social skills - healthy eating", he designs already in reading such an article concepts in mind (Lammy, 2011, pp. 188-93).


In the dates between the 6th and the 10th August, there was witnessed a lot of London districts and boroughs of the towns and cities across the England were suffering from a massive looting, rioting and hundreds of the people took over the streets.

The history behind all these events dates back to 7th August 2011 when after a protest in the Tottenham, which was due to a death of a local man from that very area who was actually shot dead by a police officer on the August 4 2011. This sparked an immediate violence when there arrived a whole large number of police officers to make the demonstration dispersed. The act of killing a common man was witnessing furious and violent clashes with the police officers; the angry ...
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