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Trains in Past and Present

Trains in past

Trains are termed as one of the source of travelling along with the touch of adventure. As per various researches it has been proved that trains in early time were termed to be the powerful one and thus they are still recognized as famous one as well. The concept of train was initiated with the idea of steam engine and thus this mode of travelling began. Light brown antique touch was the sign of trains of early times. Wagon ways was the term that was used at that time and wooden rail tracks were there in order to support these trains. Trains in past were entirely different from today's one and were termed to be the strong as well. If we highlight the history of train, aim was to carry heavy goods from one place to another and this wad the main reason that why these trains were made by using strong equipment and machinery (Hill, 2002).

Colonel John Stevens is known as the father of railways and he was the man who invented railway system in America for the very first time. His aim was to design such kind of an engine that can easily carry heavy loads from one place to another without any efforts. Later this concept was also replaced in another way and thus trains were designed for people as well. No doubt trains of past ere made up of very strong equipments and thus were termed to be the strongest one as well. This is the reason that why and in what manner it actually distinguished from the today's trains system as well.

Trains in present

Today the system of railway has been changed and an entire new system has thus been developed. Past aim of carrying heavy goods from one place to ...
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