Employee Skill Development

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Employee Skill Development

Employee Skill Development

Training is a transformation in skills. It is often said that the cause a lot of training does not work is because it is not really training at all. Much of what people pass on to as training is actually education. Think of a professional runner. He or she gets an education on how to run (stance, stride, pace, footwear, etc). All of this education is significant in order to attain success, but it does not stop there. The runner trains for the race, applies the education, and then trains some more.

Training is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present job. In a dynamic environment, it is especially important for firms to provide training initiatives that address several critical needs (Hugenberg, 1996).

To guide individual employees in planning and managing their careers:

To help mangers coach and mentor employees

To help managers and employees deal with change

Factors Influencing Training

The following factors can Influence in Training:

Top Management Support

Commitment from Specialists and Generalists

Technological Advancement

Organizational Complexity

Behavioural Science Knowledge

Learning Principles

We will also see the practical approach of the application of below mentioned functions and strategies, and for this purpose we will consider Shell canada as an example.

Training and Development Approaches

In selection training and development techniques, trade-offs exist. That is, no single technique is always best; the best method depends on:

Cost effectiveness

Desired program content

Learning principles

Appropriateness of the facilities

Trainee preferences and capabilities

Trainer preferences and capabilities

The importance of these six trade-offs depends on the situation. For example, Cost Effectiveness may be minor factor in training airline pilot in emergency manoeuvres. But whenever method is selected, it ha certain learning principles associated with it.

Job Instruction Training

Job instruction training is received directly on the job, and so it is often called “on the job” training.

It is used primarily to teach workers how to do their current jobs. A trainer, supervisor, or co-worker works as the instructor. When it is properly planned executed, this method includes each of the learning principles (Armstrong, 2006).

Job Rotation

To cross-train employees in a Varity of jobs, some trainers move a trainee from job to job; each move normally is preceded by job instruction training. Besides giving workers Varity in their jobs, cross training helps the organization when vacations, absences, downsizing, or resignation occur. Learner participation and high job transferability are the learning advantages of job rotation. Though rotation is most often associated with hourly employees, it can be used for jobs rotation is most associated with hourly employees, it can used for jobs on many level within the organization (Mathieu, 2004).

Apprenticeships and Coaching

Apprenticeships involve learning from a more experienced employee or employees, though it may be supplemented with off the job classroom training. Most craft workers, such a plumbers and carpenters, are trained through formal apprenticeships programs. Assistantships and internships are similar to apprenticeships because they use high level of participation by the trainee and have high transferability of the job.

Lecture and Video Presentation

Lecture and other off-the-job techniques tend to rely more heavily on communications ...
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