Employee - Labor Relation

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Employee - Labor Relation in Human Resource Management

Employee - Labor Relation in Human Resource Management


There are many types of human resources, training, and labor relations managers and specialists. In a small organization, a human resources generalist may handle all aspects of human resources work, and thus require an extensive range of knowledge. The responsibilities of human resources generalists can vary widely, depending on their employer's needs. In a large corporation, the director of human resources may supervise several departments, each headed by an experienced manager who most likely specializes in one human resources activity, such as employment and placement, compensation and benefits, training and development, or labor relations. In connection to the human resource perspective, this paper is going to produce a report highlighting the importance of employee or labor relation for corporation.

Discussion and Analysis

Every organization has a human resources department who specialize in different areas including labor relations. Labor relations staff plays an integral part in the day-to-day operation for both employee and management issues. Small and large organizations may differ on the amount of labor relations specialists however it is essential that qualified personnel are available to advise management, liaison with unions, and assist employees on various aspects of labor relations. Employee relations refer to employer-employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale. Employee relations are concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals that arise out of or affect work situations. Supervisors are given advice on how to correct poor performance and employee misconduct (Wilkinson, 2001).

On the other hand, employees are given information on how to promote a better understanding of the company's goals and policies. Advice is given to employees about applicable regulations, legislation, and bargaining agreements. The unitary theory proposes that the employment relationship is a harmonious relationship between employer and employee in order to achieve performance. The theory emphasizes employers and employees working together. In contrast, pluralism recognizes there are conflicts between employers and employees. Thus, it is necessary to develop procedures to resolve those conflicts. System theory suggests the world of employment is a system, which suits the requirements of the society at that time.

The formal contract that employees may have with their employers covers the tangible aspects of work includes working hours and working conditions. Those tangible aspects form an area that was traditionally negotiated with the trade union. The psychological contract goes beyond the tangible contract and considers the expectations of the relationship that employee and employers have of one another. The individual employee is usually in a weaker position than the prospective employer. Employers are free to choose the employee, and it is rare for employees to choose different employers. Also, by accepting an offer of employment, the employee works under the authority of an employer. Employees seek the best possible available package of monetary and nonmonetary employment conditions (Hollinshead, Peter and Stephanie, 2003). The monetary aspects include wage, hours of work, paid holidays, pension scheme, paid sick leave, bonus, double pay, childcare facilities, and ...
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