To evaluate what is Performance Evaluation and what activities are involved with evaluating employees at Indian Tobacco Company (ITC).
The activities observed by Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) for evaluating the performance of the employees.
Questionnaire and Semi Structured Interviews
Specific information required and primary analysis is recommended in this scenario
Employee and management of Indian Tobacco Company (ITC)
To examine can performance management affect the employee productivity at Indian Tobacco Company (ITC).
The impact of performance management over the levels of productivity of Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) employees
Questionnaire and Semi Structured Interviews
Specific information required and primary analysis is recommended in this scenario
Employee and management of Indian Tobacco Company (ITC)
To assess up to what extent it can affect the performance and what are the approaches that are employed by Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) to improve workers' productivity and provide them scope for personal development and growth.
The strategies used by Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) for bringing improvements in the performance and productivity levels of the employee and what role these strategies could play for the growth and development of employees.
Questionnaire and Semi Structured Interviews
Specific information required and primary analysis is recommended in this scenario
Employee and management of Indian Tobacco Company (ITC)
Survey Questionnaire
Part A. Your current experience about working culture in ITC
Please select/ tick the appropriate
My supervisor encourages my career development.
This organization encourages employees to participate in continuing education.
This organization makes an effort to put you in a job where you will be successful.
There are opportunities in this organization for those who want to advance
Supervisors make efforts to identify your strengths and weaknesses You receive high quality of orientation and training received for your current position in the company
Your senior peers provide you mentoring
Management supports my efforts to improve my weaknesses.
Current performance appraisal process is good.
Employee evaluations are done on a frequent basis
Employee evaluations are done in an unbiased manner
There is a consistent and equitable system of rewards