Emergent Literacy

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Emergent Literacy: Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary Development

Emergent Literacy: Writing, Spelling and Vocabulary Development


Emergent Literacy is the study of writing and reading behaviors which later on develop into conventional literacy. Mary Clay was the first one to use the term Emergent Literacy. Emergent Literacy as described by Mary Clay, is children's interaction with reading books and writing. Even when looking from a conventional perspective they could not write or read. Within the fields of psychology a number of researches have been made on Emergent literacy (Rhyner, 2009).

Discussion and Analysis

Development Stages of writing/spelling

The early development of writing skills is an important aspect literacy development of children. There are six stages or steps involved in development of writing in children.

Pre-Literacy: Draw

Pre-Literacy: Scribbles

Initial Development: Letter-like forms

Development: Random letters or lines of letters

Transition: Writing through spelling invented

Fluency: Conventional Spelling

These stages or steps represent a way of looking at writing development in children. All stages are intertwined and children progress and reach the stage of writing at different ages. No matter what stage of development the child is, the development of writing a can be improved by providing children with materials to write and encourage them to write often. Children should never be discouraged by exploring any means they can even be scribbles, letters, or some invented spelling or conventional spelling. It is widely understood that written language is primarily cognitive and verbal, and the child begins to develop from an early age in a continuous process, from playing with words to the formal acquisition of the Braille code.

From this perspective, the pre-preparation stage will have a comprehensive approach that takes into account the perceptual aspects of the child who does not see, namely the development of tactile perception and auditory perception, in a complete and deep interaction with the meaning conceptual words. In this sense, we will pursue development of language and thought of the child, giving channel strategies to optimize the perceptual blindness (Peacock & Ervin, 2009).

How early writing is acquired and how it mirrors oral language acquisition

Writing development-Writing is a mechanical process, a psychomotor skill by which one learns to write words and sentences and, precisely, of the systematic and progressive exercise, depending on their fluency and legibility. Oral language development- Children have an innate knowledge of universal principles governing the structure of language, which are in your mind and are placed in run by stimuli or environmental data (influence of adult). Before the child begins to write in pencil, perhaps several times, "write" a letter in the air, finger on the table, on the sand. Then better graphics memory is shaped. Moment of science to connect the letters comes later, when the child already knows all the letters written, learned the ways of combining them, the use of connectors and loops. Learning to write is a long process; success depends on proper preparation for the child's arm and train the motor memory formation. If this process will be conducted properly, the child should not have problems with writing correct, shaped letters in ...
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