Electronic Social Media And Business

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Electronic Social Media and Business

It is true that electronic social media have revolutionised the way we do business and the way we socialise


A social network can be defined as a community of individuals linked by origin, focus, needs, views etc.

It then distinguishes several types of social networks:

1. Professionals: Viadeo, OpenBC, LinkedIn ...

2. Sharing: Dailymotion, Youtube

3. Personal & General: MySpace, Friendster, Facebook

4. Personal and thematic: Dogster (dog), Shmooze ("jewish social network)

5. Social enterprise

Social media is growing rapidly and is no longer hype. It is a fundamental change in the way people communicate worldwide. This also changes the way we do business and how companies operate internally and externally. Indeed, companies are constantly looking for new consumers need to be present in all places where they live. For still too many companies, social networks are for teenagers or students trying to maintain contact or to an employee in seeking new professional horizons. While local networks have been created in this goal, we will try to prove that the tool has largely evolved into one of the most promising in terms of direct marketing. To explain these changes, we chose to build on the current king of social networks: Facebook. (Sweeney, 2011)

Facebook is aggregating communities of people with pathways, ideas or hobbies in common. These courses can be educational, academic, artistic or increasingly political. Since the victory of Barack Obama for president U.S., many analysts have revealed that the new President had received a much better relay on social networks than his opponent.

Anyone who studies statistics and trends, knows that this is only the beginning. The next generation is that of "internet natives", people who no longer experience the world without internet and no longer distinguish between on-and offline. They will simply connected anytime, anywhere. If a business as usual continues to participate in social media, it will eventually create a situation of dependence. Simply because information and communication in and around a company or brand is growing increasingly and takes place in locations far from the premises. Sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are a great place to know the ground realities of the market. These platforms are still free, but what about the future? The 'Rise of the paywalls' was already predicted by sources such as Cnet.com and in 2010 we have already seen many big companies are flirting with new business models. (Evans & McKee, 2010, 112-150)

Can a company ignore Social media?

Social media has penetrated within the industry: over 78% of companies move into social media. But there is still much room for improvement since only 47% measure the results. This is evident from an examination of Ikki, the marketplace and community for the freelancers.

The main reason for not measuring the effects of social media is that businesses do not know how. Still gives 81% of the 268 companies that participated in the investigation that the results of social media "as expected" or "above expectations" ...
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