Egyptian's Anti-Government Citizens

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Egyptian's anti-government citizens

Egyptian's anti-government citizens


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Egyptian's anti-government citizens” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Egyptian's anti-government citizens” and its relation with “Autocratic leadership”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Egyptian's anti-government citizens” and tries to gauge its effect on “Autocratic leadership”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Egyptian's anti-government citizens” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Egyptian's anti-government citizens” on “Autocratic leadership”.

Egyptian's anti-government citizens

In Egypt, riots along with several Arab countries emerged and above all, a revolutionary situation in key Arab countries has created a variety of estimates and projections from the dreamy democratic to the delight of the apocalyptic foreboding of the situation in the Middle East and its consequences for the world.

In our view, the situation deserves close attention, because it is easy to assume a major impact could have a radical change in the pro Western regime in Cairo to the Middle East, Israel and the Middle East peace process, Arabic and wider Muslim world, oil and gas supplies from the Persian Gulf and linked with all these economic and geopolitical processes (Marx, 1998).

Effects of autocratic government

Situation in Egypt is developing rapidly. However, we can already draw some conclusions about the trends that are prevalent in the series yet, the ruling regime and the opposition media.

Expense of power

Who would not be inspired by this "stomach" the revolution in Egypt, we can confidently say that the power unit of the party of power "while successfully using it for intra-party coup.

At one time it seemed that this issue within the party of power has actually been solved. Especially given the popularity of paramilitary secular authoritarian regimes in the region, including Egypt, the so-called "Republican monarchy" ("Syrian" or "Azeri" scenarios, where the supreme power is transferred within the ruling family with the "democratic cover").

However, after the resignation of a "government financial-commercial bourgeoisie" close to Gamal Ahmed Nazif, reports on the actual flight to London of the Gamal Mubarak, as well as the hasty departure beyond Egypt of a number of influential Egyptian businessmen can say that the "Americanized hucksters" have been not willing to take a punch (Sears, 2008). As a result, at this point it's safe to say that in the internal struggle among the "party of power" the upper hand so-called "Old guard" (militarized representatives of the bureaucracy, who were educated in the 50-60 years of the last century).

President Mubarak finally forced to agree to change the rules in the Constitution, is this enough to achieve comprehensive reform that we're fighting for a quarter of a century? The extract of this reform is the place to bring the referendum election, and will tailors laws as usual a dump of this amendment of the slim guaranteed to hurt in the end for the extension or inheritance. President Mubarak was forced compelled to declare this slim amendment in the constitution after years of rejection ...
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