Role Of Media In The Egyptian Revolution

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Role of Media in the Egyptian Revolution


Revolution in Egypt - the anti-government protests , the socio-political in Egypt against the bad economic situation, unemployment, corruption, civil liberties and limiting long-Governments of President Hosni Mubarak . Began a massive January 25 2011. It was preceded by a single act of protest, taking the form of self-immolation . There is major social unrest during the previous government of President Mubarak (Steavenson, 2011).

Instances of the population were launched in Cairo on January 25, 2011 convened through the websites of the “Day of Wrath”. On subsequent days, demonstrations have continued, and included the reach of other cities. The largest protest, in addition to the capital, took place at Alexandria and Suez. The demonstrators demanded the immediate resignation from the office of President Mubarak. For a country of emigration returned opposition leader, Mohamed ElBaradei, who joined the demonstrators?

January 28, 2011, as part of the “Friday of Wrath”, there have been mass protests and violent clashes with security forces, which killed dozens of people. In response to the city streets has been inferred army. The authorities have introduced a curfew, and previously cut off all access to the Internet and mobile telephony. During the protests from prisons throughout the country fled several thousand prisoners, in the cities there were acts of looting and hooliganism, was looted Egyptian Museum in Cairo (Schaar, 2011).

January 29, 2011, under pressure from President Mubarak dismissed the government and society as the new Prime Minister appointed Ahmad Szafika. Appointed to the office of the vice-president, after nearly 30 years of vacancy, Omar Suleiman . However, this has not led to silence public sentiment. The army said they do not use force against demonstrators. February 1, 2011, under the “Million March” in all of Egypt marched from one million to five million citizens. Most people gathered at the capital's central square, Midan Tahrir, which is the main arena from the beginning of protests. President Mubarak declared in response to the departure from office after his term and nieubieganie for re-election in presidential elections in September 2011. He promised to remain in office and carry out the reform process until then. February 2, 2011 in the country for the first time saw violent clashes between supporters and opponents of the president. February 11 2011, realizing the demands of protesters Egyptians resigned (Ratnesar, 2011).


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