I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
In presenting this dissertation for assessment, I declare that it is a final copy including any last revisions. I also declare that it is entirely the result of my own work other than where sources are explicitly acknowledged and referenced within the body of the text. [or: in footnotes, endnotes, as appropriate]. This dissertation has not been previously submitted for any degree at this or any other institution.
[Name of student]
Signed __________________ Date _________________
Background of Research: This research mainly focuses on identifying the effect of training and development programs on organisations. For this, the study explores the concepts of training and concept of development. Moreover, the study explores different barriers and concept of transfers of trainings. Furthermore, the literature has also identified the importance of training and development for organisations along with explaining its benefits.
Research Question: Main research question of the study is how Network Rails has been effectively implementing its training and development programs?
Methodology: With the help of mixed methodology, the research has conducted questionnaire surveys and interviews from the employees of Network Rail, in order to identify how Network Rail has been carrying out training and development programs and how training programs have contributed in its success.
Conclusion: The findings from survey and interviews show that Network Rail have effective and strong training and development policies and programs which help the employees in growing and developing continuously. The thesis identifies the significance of training and development and how Network Rail has been successfully implementing its training and development programs.
Implications: Providing training and development, companies managing huge projects can focus on bringing a consistency in within its processes, work criteria, productivity level and employees. Training and development program will help the firm in bringing its employees to the one single level/ platform, increasing the employees knowledge and skills to improve efficiency.
1.1 Title of the Topic1
1.2 Overview of the Research Topic1
1.3 Research Question2
1.4 Research Objectives2
1.5 Case Study of HR Training and Development in Network Rails3
1.6 Justification of the Research4
1.7 Outline of the Study5
2.1 Introduction6
2.2 Human Resources Practices and Organisational Outcomes6
2.3 The Concept of Training7
2.4 The Concept of Development10
2.5 Training and Development11
2.6 Barriers to Trainings and Development14
2.7 Transfer of Training15
2.8 Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Training and Development16
2.9 Impact of Training on Organisation and Employees Performance17
2.10 Importance of Training and Development19
2.10.1 Addressing Employee Weaknesses19
2.10.2 Improving Employee Performance20
2.10.3 Consistency20
2.10.4 Employees Satisfaction20
2.11 Theoretical Framework21
2.11.1 Motivation Theory21
2.11.2 Attitude Theory22
2.11.3 Human Capital Theory22
3.1 Research Method24
3.2 Research Philosophy24
3.3 Research Design-Case Study25
3.4 Research Strategy26
3.5 Data Collection Method26
3.5.1 Secondary Resources26
3.5.2 Primary Method27 Questionnaire27 Interviews27
3.6 Questionnaires Design28
3.7 Data Analysis Technique29
3.8 Validity30
3.9 Research Ethics30
4.1 Introduction32
4.2 Results32
4.3 Discussion46
4.4 Interview Analysis49
4.4.1 Importance of Training and Development Programs at Network Rail49
4.4.2 Benefits of Training and Development Programs51
4.4.3 Training Practices and Programs at Network ...