Effective Handling And Care Of A Canine

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Effective Handling and Care of a Canine

Effective Handling and Care of a Canine


The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the information obtained during a clinical observational placement of a dog handling procedure in a small animal veterinary practice. The topics under discussion will be behavior, handling approach, health and safety considerations. The paper will then analyze decisions made using the writers 30 years of personal experience with dogs in addition to academic literature, journals, articles and reputable databases


A 10 year old female German Shorthaired Pointer was brought into the vets examination room with swelling on her right ear. The dog had been examined by the vet several previous occasions. She allowed the dog to wonder freely, with the lead still attached to the collar, whilst discussing the dog's current problems with the owner. The owner gave a detailed account of the dog's long history of chronic otitis. Over the past week, the owner noticed behavioral changes that included an increase in aggressive head shaking behavior, frequently clawing at the right ear, whining, reduced socialization, excessive sleep, fleeing and hiding when approached for ear cleaning. The vet explained the need to examine the ear, internally and externally, to establish the cause of the swelling.

The owner informed the vet of utilized handling techniques at home when cleaning the ears. Using treats and lots of verbal praise, in a high pitched and soothing manner, appeared to be the most successful approach. The vet requested the technician to come in and restrain the dog for examination. As explained to the owner, this was done so that the dog's head remain still and as an attempt to prevent further injury to the animal and those in the room.

The owner asked to be present and the vet agreed, followed by a brief explanation of the approach going to be used; examining the dog on the floor instead of the table. The owner exhibited a calm disposition and was relaxed around her dog. The dog sensed what was to come and positioned herself towards the wall, with her right side and right ear protected against it. She sat still with her nose in the air and head turned away, ears pinned back and eyes glaring wide.

Crouching at the dog's side, the owner offered treats while trying to calm her down. The vet was patient as the dog took up to ...
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