Canine Hip Dysplasia is the malformation and degeneration of the coxofemoral joints that affects dogs and cats due to a development defect which is initiated by a genetic predisposition to subluxation of the immature hip joint. It is one of the most common skeletal diseases found clinically in dogs. Cats are affected less than dogs. It may also result from poor congruence between the femoral head and acetabulum by the creation of abnormal forces across the entire joint. It interferes with the normal development and eventually leads to irregularly shaped acetabula and femoral heads. In addition, it overloads the articular cartilage causing microfractures and osteoarthritis. Canine hip dysplasia begins inn immature dogs and the clinical signs are normally detected at 4 months of age.
Organs Affected
It affects the musculoskeletal system and causes the hip-joint muscle mass to excessively grow and decrease mobility as well as causing pain.
Breeds/Species and sex disposition
The most common dog breeds that are affected are St. Bernard, German Shepherds, Labrador retrievers, Golden Retrievers and Rottweilers. Smaller breeds are also affected, however, they are less likely to demonstrate the clinical signs because the disease is not of clinical nature. It is worth mentioning here that some large breeds of dogs like Doberman etc. are less likely to be affected by canine hip dysplasia.
In cats, pure bred cats are more commonly affected. Approximately 18% of main coon cats are affected.
Clinical signs and symptoms
Decreased activity, experiencing difficulty in rising, unwillingness to run or jump, intermittent or persistent hind limb lameness which may become worse of exercise. Hopping or swaying gait and evident narrow limb stance are the most commonly detected signs of canine hip dysplasia. The mentioned symptoms may be observed in congruence, depending upon the severity of the condition and are subject to the ...