Educational Needs Assessment

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Educational Needs Assessment

Educational Needs Assessment


Nursing, like any professional discipline need to use a course of action to carry out the service it provides to its users, and which as we know is characterized by respond to a number of health situations that can be problematic for people. This approach, which aims to solve or minimize potential problems everyday life related to health is none other than orderly and systematic action in all actions carried out, this is the method of problem solving to possible situations that may arise. The scientific approach of the events that occur in health situations our users, especially the problematic and requiring that they meet certain conditions of difficulty and / or complexity, is a system which today cannot be disputed (Keating, 2006). All nurses, to a greater or lesser extent, have internalized, and that to carry out those functions that are our own, it is necessary that we order and we structure the activities that enable the analysis and solution of the situations in which we intervene.

Educational Need Assessment

This management and structuring of our activities can only take place through the application of scientific method, called Nursing Care Process or Process Nurse, nursing care. The Process Nurse is a tool for organizing nursing work, which involves a particular course of action which is our own.

"The nursing process is the application of the scientific resolution of problems nursing care.”

The structure of nursing school, as this method of work, as this tool is, is formed, and from the beginning it was always a series of steps or stages, fixed in beforehand, so thoughtful and conscious. These stages are closely interrelated, and although the texts are displayed, analysis and study separately, in practice they often overlap during surgery nurse (Rassool, 2006).

When defining the term nursing assessment, we have not found a single internationally agreed definition, but we have found that most authors often refer to it, across the board as a planned, systematic, continued deliberate collection and interpretation of information to determine the health situation they are living people and their response to this. An analysis of this definition we can already draw some initial conclusions:  To be considered a "process" that is a way to an end determined; the nursing assessment must be constituted by steps or phases, which gives it great complexity.

Furthermore, this process must be:

Planned. - That is not improvised, but thought out and designed in advance.

Systematic. - This is a required order, a method for its realization. 

Continued. - Or what is the same thing that begins when the person comes into ...
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