Education Systems

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Education Systems

Education Systems


Education systems are established to provide education and training, in most cases for children and the young. A curriculum defines what students should know, understand and be able to do as the result of education. A teaching profession delivers teaching which enables learning, and a system of polices, regulations, examinations, structures and funding enables teachers to teach to the best of their abilities. Sometimes education systems can be used to promote doctrines or ideals as well as knowledge, which is known as social engineering in this paper we compared and contrast Nederland and German Education Systems.


Education system is biased towards the culture of dominant social classes and values the skills of the working class. Culture capital is the knowledge, value, abilities, skills, languages of a middle class. Middle class, transmit these to children through socialisation, schools demand this. Educational attainment of social groups is directly related to culture capital. Students from middle class background have a built in advantage. Working class culture is rejected and not valued. Lack of culture capital is why working class doesn't do well. Economic capital is where middles class parents have money for books, private school, move to better catchments area (Freeman, 1992).

Educational capital, ball and gewirtz identified 3 types of parents. Privileged skilled choosers know how to play the system. Middle class parents understand research, their life experience and knowledge help them choose out best school for their kids. They know how to communicate with teachers. Semiskilled choosers are just as concerned o get best education for their kids but lack experience and skills of the privileged choosers. Disconnected choosers- these parents are not inclined to get involved in the education market and more likely to working class parents. However its is not because they don't care they just lack economic and culture capital. However working class parents might be in poverty therefore unable to provide money for uniform, books, and calculator's etc mercerization of education hasn't led to more opportunity for working class children. Instead, it has allowed the middle class to use their wealth and knowledge even more effectively than before (Eales, C., & dePaoli, W. 1991).

Educational System in Germany

Education in Germany is public, i.e. most schools, colleges and universities are paid for by the taxpayers and therefore do not charge tuition. However, voters are much less directly involved with school matters than in the U.S. There are no local school or college boards and no PTA's, although parent-teacher conferences take place regularly. Educational programs are organized, financed and administered at the state level. The Department of Education in each of the 16 federal states oversees the state's primary, secondary and career training schools and much of higher education (Arnove, R. F., & Zimmerman, E. 1999).A framework for post-secondary education is set up at the federal level. Federal statutes also regulate the licensing of lawyers and health care professionals and define the status of teachers as tenured civil servants. Administrators at both the state and federal level coordinate ...
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