However unfair it may seem to some, rich and poor have always existed and still can be found among the various societies and countries. People from certain countries to enjoy luxuries and to maintain a certain standard of living that one can think of wealth while others lack even the basic needs of existence, such as food. You can witness some situations where the rich countries offered to help poor countries with different methods, and this seems to be giving and generous. However, the country, not just from its capital, with which they can use in their own interests. The immediate result may help to produce wealth in poor countries, while not affecting the more affluent countries, but the real impetus for the help of rich countries are better in terms of economy and politics. (Garrett, 1997)
Dependency theory suggests that the low level of development that occurred in the less economically developed countries, since they rely and depend on a more economically developed countries, so third-world poverty is a consequence, a fault of the North the world's wealth. To be more specific, poor countries with low income is derived from their exploitation by the rich countries. These differences in the quality of life can be observed in people in these countries. For example, people in high-income countries are much healthier than in low-income countries, whose sources of ill health can be linked to hunger, malnutrition and hunger, people in high-income countries receive a higher level of education and literacy and more. (Latham, 1997)
Example: South Korea
Proponents of dependency theory argue that the economically less developed countries remain less developed because of their surplus products is limited and taken advantage of multinational corporations in more economically developed countries, but in other countries such as Taiwan and South Korea, there are contrary to this hypothesis. A deeper examination of the example of South Korea, it can be easily found on the rapid development that took place in its economic history. Economy of South Korea has been traditionally based on agriculture, as well as the Korean War in 1950, which destroyed large parts of the country, exacerbating the already bleak economy, which has been dismal compared to other industrialized western countries. (Garrett, 1997)
Nevertheless, South Korea quickly began extraordinarily rapid industrialization in the early 1960's. Foreign economic assistance, particularly from the United States and Japan, is essential for economic recovery after the war and the growth of the country. Consequently, South Korea has grown into one of the world's poorest countries to one of four Asian tiger economies, which, without foreign assistance, would have been impossible. Technology and industrialization, which began to emerge in Western Europe favor of the East Asian countries, including South Korea. For example, the economic growth of Europe and the United States presented a huge market for clothing, footwear, electronics, etc., which are increasingly produced in East Asia. In addition, by adopting an open market system, South Korea took full advantage of the possibility of foreign ...