E-commerce at the moment is still in its infancy, but this area is growing fast enough. It involves constant quality calculation which attracts more and more customers and asks for shopping in the online store. A pretty high percentage of customers does not trust online shopping and prefers to overpay in the shop around the corner, where the person can see and touch the goods. If consumers pay attention to the Western market, there is enough serious competition of online shops maintaining a pretty high level of quality of service. The bulk of purchase in the state of UK takes place over the web portal, and the stuff is actively and efficiently purchased. All that the consumer needs to do is specify the size, color and other features of the goods and store managers will send them the mail saying, for instance, they bought a sweater of the specified size. Thus, the network users can easily buy any product of high quality, with minimum effort.
The economic aspects of e-business can be seen by analyzing the contribution of information and communication technologies to the economic growth and higher productivity of companies. On one side, micro-level analyses indicate the strategic importance of e-business for companies. While, on the other side, macro-economic analyses indicate that e-business has put moderate effects on industry's productivity and growth levels (Premkumar, Ramamurthy, 1995, pp.303-336).
In this paper, Morrison's value-chain is used as a conceptual framework which allows the economic assessment of the whole e-business process evolution. The process begins from system acceptance, use and diffusion of ICT, impact of ICT and e-business on the innovation process to implement changes in doing business and influence its related effects on improved business results.
Morrison is the fourth largest superstore retailer of UK with more than 400 stores. The main product that Morrison provides is food and grocery. The company mainly focuses on the quality of products that it provides and controls the manufacturing facilities to satisfy its loyal customers. Morrison also has the largest number of resource for preparing food. At the company, about 124,000 employees work hard to provide quality service to all customers. Morrison claims that they are proud to save their customer's money every day by providing them unique offers.
The aims and objectives for this task are to develop a clear understanding of e-business and role of e-business in Morrison retailer. The answers will be provided to questions such as how Morrison uses e-business in everyday trading and transactions, and what are the key elements that should be focused to attain e-business system. In addition to this, there are some factors, which will be discussed in this paper:
1)E-Strategy, environment, and infrastructure
2)Customer relationship management
3)E-Marketing and online advertising
5)Supply chain and procurement
Internet is a vast network of interconnected computers which work via telephone lines, ...