Dynamic Stretching Provides Less Injury Than Static Stretching Amongst Soccer Players

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Dynamic Stretching provides less injury than Static stretching amongst soccer players


This paper includes the discussion over the warming up thorough different stretching exercises. This includes dynamic stretching and static stretching. The demonstration of research includes that dynamic stretching when warming up is providing to prevent less injuries than static stretching amongst soccer players.




Dynamic stretching4

Benefits of Dynamic Stretching4

Routine & Exercises5

Static stretching6

Benefits of Static stretching6

Routine and Exercises7

Dynamic vs. Static stretching exercises7

Stretching Goals8

How to prevent injuries8

Developing Speed with increased performance8

Stretching for soccer9




This paper includes the description of dynamic and static stretching exercises. Dynamic stretching for warming up prevents less injury to the soccer players than the static stretching. Static stretching exercise has proved to be far much better than the dynamic stretching in order to warm up for the Athletes. Static stretching exercises are immediately comes to our mind when we think about stretching. Static stretching exercises are to hold for so many seconds many times a day. Dynamic stretching exercises are done when you are moving.


Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching can be defined as the stretching which is done when we are in a moving order. It is reciprocal to static stretching. Static stretching requires no movement. It is probably the touching of toes by reaching down.

Benefits of Dynamic Stretching

For any type of full body warm up activity like before playing any sports or before going to lift weights, dynamic stretching is the most suitable exercise to follow. For a perfect sportsman who is fit by any means is required to follow the dynamic stretching before exercising.

First benefit from the dynamic stretching exercises is full body warm up. The traditional warm up may include a walk, jogging, or any 5-10 min low level cardio activity in order to raise the temperature of the body to help prevent any injury. The warm up activity is done faster thorough the dynamic stretching exercises than any other low level aerobic activity.

Dynamic stretching exercises are useful to improve kinesthetic awareness. This includes that traditional warm up activity like jogging is that it does not prepare a person the intensity to work out. Kinesthetic exercises may include warming up of a body when a body is in time or space.

Thorough dynamic stretching exercises we can improve flexibility. It is the range of motion about a joint. Therefore dynamic stretching improves the range of motion around the joints in a body. This may help prevent injuries also. However, some researchers have concluded that stretching before and after exercise may not help prevent injury. But that relates to dynamic stretching.

Routine & Exercises

Dynamic stretching includes following routine and exercises for warming up a body.

Dynamic stretching exercise which helps loosen up your psoas and hips is a slow and controlled exercise to feel stretch and reach with your arms. It can be done while moving whether to remain stationary. This exercise has been prescribed as lunge with a lean.

Side lung touching heel, another dynamic stretching exercise is done by bringing the elbow as close to heel as ...
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