Globalization is the creation and expansion of economic and social connections among people and organizations around the world. The movement of people, goods, ideas, technology, and money fuels the process across national boundaries. The populations of different cultures have interacted and established economic and cultural links for centuries. However, soccer is a game of emotions, generating myriads amount of revenues, but those teams let their emotions run wild and aren't wining anything, will soon be facing relegation and finished. The revenues from the soccer world cups and matches are continuing to grow rapidly but the main drawback is that the soccer teams spend more than they earn, if this situation does not change, the teams will soon not be able to participate in the world cup tournaments and face losses and bankruptcy. More than hamburgers, transnational corporations, jeans, queues or financial markets, football reflects the global nature of the contemporary world. Communications and transmission of real-time images negligible costs have facilitated the globalization of sport, from the early twentieth century, is the world's most popular.
In the world of sport, the competitiveness of countries is strongly influenced by their level of development and the resources devoted to sports. In athletics, swimming, rugby and tennis, for example, athletes in the richest countries are those who earn the bulk of international competitions. The division between rich and poor in the sport is quite similar to that observed in the economic and social development. The Olympics are the best example: the major powers are also the most advanced industrial countries.
In turn, Africa, the continents poorest economically, is an emerging regional power. Probably the asymmetry that exists in football, between rich and poor is the capacity of the first clubs to incorporate the best players in the "periphery" of Latin America or Africa. However, when it comes to competition between the national federations, all players play for their own country. Additionally, fans celebrate their national football talent, but playing in foreign clubs. Two main reasons explain this democratic, pluralistic and multi-polar football. One of them is due to the fact that in the pastures of the suburbs of Lagos (Nigeria), San Paulo (Brazil) and Rosario (Argentina), children and young people who belong to more modest strata of the population can play football others do in the more prosperous areas of Germany, France or Japan. The infrastructure for soccer practice is less elegant in a pasture in the campus of a collage, but talent can emerge anywhere.
The second reason is that excellence in football is the expression, in a sport, identity and cultural heritage of each country. Indeed, only thrive with something own to contribute. A global game of planetary scale is regulated and distributed by Great Britain from the second half of the nineteenth century, allowing each one reflects his own abilities and enrich the common heritage. The globalization of soccer has the same origin of other global phenomena. As in the economy and finance, the spread of football began at ...