Drugs Is Not A Disease But A Choice

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Drugs is Not a Disease But a Choice


Although drugs are not only a problem for inner-city residents, the poor, or members of a minority group, the poor are disproportionately affected. Poorer neighborhoods have a higher incidence of drug-induced crimes and violence, and poorer people have less access to treatment facilities. Nowadays there ois a widespeared discussion that drugs is a disease or a choice. Extensive research considering all sociological and environmental factors show that drugs is not a disease but a choice.

There is no doubt that widespread and persistent use of mind-changing drugs remains firmly entrenched in our society—part of the American way of life that affects users and nonusers. Indeed, the news media continue to feature “drug busts” in which law enforcement agents seize marijuana and raid secret, illegal “speed” labs in the suburbs as well as the inner city. School children are taught to say no to illegal drugs, while advertisers promote the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. As judges sentence drug abusers to long prison terms, many experts believe that treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusers would be more effective than law enforcement in reducing the number of drug addicts. Meanwhile, federal and state governments consider further restrictions on legal drugs—tobacco and alcohol.


The benefits usually associated with using, misusing, and abusing drugs are;

(1) the experience of some physical or psychological pleasure and

(2) the reduction of a frustrating or stressful condition.

Often, these benefits are short lived, especially with drug misuse of abuse.

There are risks, and hazards that often accompany drug-taking behavior. More deaths, illnesses, and disabilities are due to substance abuse than to any other preventable health condition.

Of the two million deaths in the United States each year, more than one in four is related to alcohol abuse, illicit use of psychoactive drugs, or tobacco use. Many such deaths and other related losses could be reduced significantly by changing people's perceptions, lifestyles, and personal behaviors. Several of these conditions will be explored in later chapters of this text. However, of special concern are the following health-related consequences that may represent an immediate problem for many drug takers. (Avram 5-9)

Drug use, abuse, and dependence are not easily understood. Too often, people search for that simple solution to an epidemic problem or for a simple explanation. Philosopher H. L. Mencken remarked that “any solution to a big problem that is simple, is usually wrong.”

Having spent more than 25 years working with individuals and their families, I still struggle case by case to try to find some common patterns and new insights into what works in treatment. I am constantly questioning what may have caused alcohol/drug problems and how best to engage, motivate, and approach clients with drug abuse and dependence. For some, the solution is abstinence and strong involvement in self-help groups; for others, it is a different path. For many, it is the acceptance of the “disease,” while others label their alcohol/drug use as an “allergy” or a problem with tolerance. Some individuals can ...
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