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Drug addiction is a disease that originated in the brain of a large number of human beings. The disease is characterized by chronic or long-term, progression and relapse. It should be understood that the addict will remain an addict while living, ie the individual is rehabilitated to live without the drug and, thereafter, it will be an addict in remission, will not be using drugs, but remain in that state of abstinence or remission cannot lower our guard.

Drugs are substances whose use may lead to addiction, stimulation or depression of the central nervous system, or due to violations of the civil trial, behavior or mood. Term drug use can be considered from a strictly scientific point of view of the active ingredient, raw materials. In this sense, we can compare the official agents in the field of pharmacology and medicine at the drug, i.e., narcotics and psychotropic substances may be used as synonyms. Drugs are chemicals used in the treatment or prevention of disease. Pharmacology is the science of action and distribution of drugs in humans. The preparations may be obtained from plants, minerals, animals, or by synthesis.

The second concept that is social, whereby drugs are banned hazardous substances that are abused and something to hurt individual and society, as seen, an important element is the intent and purpose of mental disorders in some forms, be it depression, delusions or irritants. We still have a problem in which these substances act, since all these drugs are an essential element in the body, which is a central nervous system, which is a more delicate and the most important thing for a man, and if these substances are those structures damaged, damaging, no doubt, constitutes a serious and dangerous to the community and individual health and public health courses. (Baker, Japuntich, McCarthy and Curtin, 2006)

Classification of drug dependence

Hard drugs

"Hard" drugs are those that cause physical and psychological dependence, namely, changes in socio-psychological behavior of addicts, as opium and its derivatives, alcohol, amphetamines and barbiturates.

Soft drugs

There are those that create only a psychological dependence, including derivatives of cannabis, hashish or marijuana, cocaine, lysergic acid, better known as LSD and tobacco. This division of "soft" and "hard" is challenged by the subject of many researchers, and we believe he can offer him that "hard" are bad and, therefore, the "soft" good or less bad and not good that some of the doses and the form to be signed, "soft" drugs can have harmful effects, such as "severe." Keep in mind that the dose of certain drugs called "soft" can have harmful effects, such as is considered "hard".

The dependence of the human condition, which creates and maintains a constant desire of any substance, if this desire is supported by metabolic mechanisms and creates a lack of withdrawal symptoms is called physical dependence, and if the device is administered psychosocial mechanisms, often defined as psychological dependence and mental health.

Types of drugs


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