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It will be quite interesting for an individual to compare the field and domain of medicine and clinical arena over the years, as what is used to be and how long has it come to reach such an advanced position. Now they're hardly is any disease or ailment that is incurable by the latest technologies and the astute scientific research. The world has progressed a lot from the natural herbs to the latest and advanced medicines, syrups and much more. Not only have these medicines and latest means of treatments have been able to win the trust and faith of the people, but they also have been extremely effective in producing the desired result.

However, there prevails a universal belief that everything, every phenomenon and every aspect that exists in this world possesses two sides; one is the benefits it entails, and the second side comprises of the minor or dire consequences or disadvantages associated with that particular thing/phenomenon. Similar is the case with the phenomenon of medicines and numerous drugs that exists in the modern world for the purpose of curing and alleviating the physical, cognitive or any other human misery or pain.

Prescription Drugs

A prescription drug is the drug or medication that is recommended and is available to the patient or an individual suffering from some ailment, only via the written and approved instructions from a qualified physician, pharmacist or the dentist.

Can Prescription Drugs Harm?

As discussed earlier, almost everything on this earth possesses some disadvantages, if it usage is undertaken in a different manner, by the individual. Therefore, even the drugs, which are devised and formulated for enabling the individual to regain the sound health, are even liable to have detrimental effects, if they are misused in any specified manner.

There is no doubt about the fact that these drugs can cause harm, provided either the individual misuses them, or take overdose. The most common instance of the harm rendered by the prescription drugs are during the pregnancy period of a woman. Pregnancy is one time period of a woman's life when she needs to be excessively careful, for not only her own, but her baby's health, as well. However, there are instances, when the woman becomes either overly dependant on these drugs (mostly for the alleviation of pain), or misuses them. These misuses of the drugs can not only harm her but also her baby, because whatever she consumes affects her baby, as well. Moreover, there are also other instances, when the drug abuse or over dependence can harm the individual, and be detrimental to their health (Ferrara & Bernheisel, 2011).

The Side Effects of Taking Drugs

There are numerous side effects associated with the prescription drugs. Side effects of drug denote that unwanted secondary outcome and effect, which takes place along with the expected positive therapeutic, side effect of the drug, and these side effects widely vary depending on the physiology of every person. Moreover, these side effects can take place either when you have started to consume a particular drug, or ...
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