Drug Trafficking

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Drug Trafficking in the United States

Drug Trafficking in the United States


Drug Trafficking

Drug Trafficking increased greatly in last four decades. Racial groups involvement in drug trafficking created significant changes in the operational mechanism of conducting this business. Drug trafficking is considered as illegal in all countries around the world. Severe sanctions have defined to control this business, including life sentence and hang till death. Drug trafficking is given a racial image of black men business, and they are classified as drug barons or yardies in public and legal consciousness (Fortson 2002, 48). Media is stereotyping their racial class; this illegal work is associated with black people race (Fortson 2002, 57).

Different factors have defined that categorize the black people involvement in drug trafficking business. Main reason for drug trafficking is unemployment and racial belongingness (Moore 1995, 100). The main objective of this study is to investigate whether unemployment and race influence people involvement in drug trafficking business which is classified as illegal work in Law. Drug Trafficking is regarded as illegal because it creates harmful impact on social life of person also destroy the harmony of society. Media and trade bodies are reinforcing a more generalized link between race, unemployment, and involvement in drug trafficking. People have formed a perception that all black people are criminals and drug traffickers (Moore 1995, 100). Therefore, I would like to find out to what extent race and unemployment influence people involvement in drug trafficking. Uneven distribution of wealth is observed in UK economy, which is a common pattern of wealth distribution in all countries around wealth. Although the majority of black people make the lower socioeconomic class in the country, but no thorough investigation has conducted yet to examine their involvement in illegal work activities. This study has limited to the drug trafficking which has termed as illegal in Social Work Law of UK. This study will not be restricted to black men only. It will also include other minority groups to determine their relation with involvement in Drug Trafficking. Outcome will be analyzed by assessing direct relation between employment status, race to which person belong, and his/her involvement in drug trafficking.

Legalization of controlled substances may lead to the downfall of mankind. USA government is persistently taking actions to control Drug Trafficking. It has classified as illegal work, and all people found involved in this work will penalize according to the sensitivity of their actions and extent of their involvement in the activity (Fortson 2002, 63). Americans have long been the most active in the fight against trafficking, both individually and jointly with other countries.

Many factors contribute towards involvement of people in illegal work. For this study, People Involvement in Drug Trafficking Business will be analyzed. Factors that will be assessed include race and unemployment, which influence people involvement in illegal work of drug trafficking. Perception has formed that all black people are prospective criminals who are involved or are most likely to be involved in drug trafficking (Moore 1995, ...
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