Driving Under Alcohol

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Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs

Paper Outline

Literature Review

Worldwide Trend of Alcohol impaired driving

Trend of Alcohol Consumption in USA

Research Contribution

The Effect of alcohol consumption on impaired driving

Theoretical Perspective

Social Influence

Studies on Social Influence and Alcohol Consumption

Reasons for heavy drinking

Peer influence

Influence of social network

Implications for Social Change

Gender and impaired driving

Age and impaired driving In USA

Other socio-demographic factors and impaired driving

Risk taking behavior of driving under alcohol

Anti social and deviant tendencies of drink drivers

Age as an important factor of Risk taking individual

Sensation Seeking and impulsivity in drinking and driving

Rehabilitation program for driving under Influence of alcohol

The Case of US impaired driving



Interview No 1


Interview with the Boy

Interview No 2


Interview with the Law enforcement Personnel in this Case

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs

Literature Review

Driving under the influence of Alcohol (DUI) is an unsafe practice under which a person drives after a high consumption of alcohol. It is considered as a criminal offence in most countries. The research has determined the behavior of people who drive under the influence of alcohol. Large intake of alcohol leads to the worsening of the skill of the driver. In 2004, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported that approximately 1.4 million people in the United States were arrested for driving while under the influence/ driving while intoxicated (DUI). In 2001, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 17,448 people had been killed in alcohol-related crashes, the highest number of fatalities in a decade. Also, alcohol-related traffic crashes were identified as a leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 6 and 33 years.

It was also found that enforcement, treatment, and educational efforts have had some success in reducing the drinking and driving problem, but more research was needed to investigate and identify personality characteristics that influence some motorists to engage in this dangerous and risky behavior. Criminal justice regulatory agencies in most states have used a variety of testing instruments to identify DUI. Nevertheless, according to a study that was sponsored by the American Automobile Association, none of the 10 widely used screening tests reviewed were effective in predicting DUI with an acceptable level of accuracy under which is one of the major causes of road accidents.

Worldwide Trend of Alcohol impaired driving

Over the last three decades, drinking and driving rates in the industrialized world has been inconsistent - a decline followed by an increase and then a decline again. In the 1980s, there was a general decline in drinking and driving, including a 50 percent decline in the United Kingdom, 28 percent in Canada, 39 percent in France, 37 percent in Germany, and 26 percent in the United States (Cialdini, Goldstein, 2004). These declines were associated with the implementation of reformed laws, public awareness, demographic changes, lifestyle changes, and economic conditions of people in those countries (Blows, 2005). However, the trend in drinking and driving reversed and began to increase in most countries in the early 1990s; albeit with ...
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