From 1430 to 1623 A.D., four sculptures of the Biblical David were created. From the master artists Bernini, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Verrocchio came the most famous David's of the world. Even though infinitely many were made, these surpass the others to become marvels that will live forever. The earliest of the David's, is the work of Donatello (c.1430). This magnificent work is a life-size, nude, bronze, figure of David. (Hale, 1994) The sculpture is portraying the scene after David has cut off the head of Goliath. His foot is raised on the severed head in a stance of contropposto. His sword is in the right hand with the stone in the left. This very smooth and natural looking sculpture was originally part of Medici courtyard and is the only David of the four created for a private collection. There are a few symbolic ingredients to this David. The style of the figure refers to antiquity for the balance and composition of the nude. Energy in the sculpture animates the emotions and is a new technique used in this David, once again showing qualities from antiquity. This energy is not used in the other figures (McHam, Blake 2001).
In addition, Donatello's David is said to host homosexual overtones, in the feministic appearance of the body and the stance. Overall, this version of the biblical hero is elegantly designed and the originality is fascinating. Verrocchio's David (c.1473-75A.D.) greatly differs from those of the other artists'. This statue was commissioned by the Medici family, like that of Donatello's. However, it was created for public display. It was in the Palazzo Vecchio, where it gained almost a republican or city-related meaning similar to the reputation that the David of Donatello gained, after it was also moved to the same ...