Is someone's life only significant if that give value to someone else's?
The theme of the story of "The Life of David Gale" by Alan Parkeris is based on a case of the death-penalty. In this story, David portrays the character of an academic Philosopher at a university of Austin in Taxes. The movie has a nature of “Usually Suspected” and “mysterious-thrilling” movie. However, David is against the capital punishment, but he was convicted for a rape and was sentenced for murder of Berlin (his student) and Laura Linney (Constance Harraway), respectively. David turned to alcoholic as he was left by his wife along with his child. The movie is a mystery of one's innocence or guilt that is the subject matter of the story.
In my opinion, The Life of David Gale is constructed like a drama of courtroom with a mysterious aspect of one's life. However, the dealing of the court has been done but the mystery has not revealed that whether the accused is guilty or innocent. One of the interesting themes that I found during the movie is that apparently, David was against the capital punishment, but surprisingly, he did not try to prove himself as innocent. Being a philosopher, this behavior was extremely mysterious that he was silent. He did not say a single word when he was convicted like a guilty, and not even at the time when evidence proved him innocent during his execution.
My favorite scene was when Constance is diagnosed with Leukemia and after a long protest, she confirmed that she would not be alive in anyway. To get rid of this pain, she committed suicide, but she gave it a picture of serious murder. This scene showed a cruel and smart mind behind a miserable woman. With having all ...