Diversity In The Classroom

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Diversity in the Classroom


Recent attempts to reform schools have been decidedly undemocratic in nature and spirit. The state has now mandated standardized testing plans, curriculum frameworks for reading and language arts, testing programs for students these programs are having a direct impact on the curriculum for teacher education. This is not the answer. This is not the answer, if this continues student will drop out of school an increasing numbers of minorities will simply give up and stop attending. The wave of student apathy toward schools will continue to grow. Democracy in schools will die (Hoffman, pp 616-678). Teachers and students are essential to keeping democratic education in the classroom. An empowering educational experience in the classroom must have open dialog and debate, there must be a connection between teacher and material that is taught, and a necessity to take a step away form centralized teaching and standardized testing.


A democracy can be defined as a government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. Yet it must be defined as it applies to the classroom. If looking at this definition, one may think that within each class the students have full say about how that class is run and what is actually done each day in that class? Or does it mean that there is an elected body of students who determine the class structure? Does it mean that the teacher has no control over what is or isn't taught in that classroom? Absolutely not. Democracy in the classroom can mean many things (Noddings, pp 234-579). It means creating a learning environment in which students are participants, in which all positions are equally respected without necessarily being equally valued, and where the evaluation of varying positions takes place through critical, informed and knowledgeable dialogue. As John Dewey suggested early in the last century, democracy is not simply a matter of institutional representations and periodic participation in such acts as voting but thrives within the context of daily expression and daily acts which adhere to a democratic ideal and context (Morris, pp 189-190). Democracy is played out in our daily exchanges, it would seem, and is expressed through a variety of behaviors which reflect: genuine caring for others, respect for diversity of thought and opinion (O'Brien , pp 123-376). Schools can provide the environment in which these behaviors and characteristics can be modeled, taught and nurtured. Equally important is the realization that these characteristics which support a democratic context are more and more recognized as the same characteristics which enhance learning and broadened student knowledge and understandings beyond the level of simple factual knowledge (Palmer, pp 14-399).

In a teaching institution it is necessary that there should be a good rapport between the teacher and the taught. In the classroom student must feel that they can challenge and inquire concepts in class. They should be able to freely communicate with each other and must understand and appreciate each other's view-point not only on academic matters but in matters of ...
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