Differentiated Instruction Staff Development Model
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction7
Purpose of the study7
Statement of the problem7
Background and significance of the problem8
Research Question(s)9
Significance of the study10
Definition of terms11
Chapter Two: Literature Review12
Model of Differentiated Instruction16
Myths about Differentiated Instruction17
Study on Differentiated Instruction18
A Blueprint for Differentiating Instruction20
The Differentiated Instruction Quality Indicators Inventory21
Reflect on will and skill22
The Content Variable22
Assess the curriculum23
Analyze the learners24
Craft study-based lessons26
Hone in on the data29
Set Particular Performance Goals31
Carry Out and Oversee Performance Goals32
Assess Performance Goals33
Chapter 3: Methodology35
Anticipated outcomes40
Chapter 1: Introduction
Teachers are charged with the responsibility of meeting the needs of many students while ensuring each child's academic success. This proposal presents a brief description of a proposed research study designed to develop a differentiated instruction staff development model resulting in effective teaching practices. As a new instructional coach of a newly opened charter middle school, the researcher has met with the principal and the staff. After numerous conversations and in-service opportunities, the researcher came to a consensus that in order for the new staff to effectively reach all students and show academic progress, an ongoing staff development model on differentiated instruction would assist with the mission and vision of the school; and that is to implore effective teaching strategies to produce students that are global leaders.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this applied dissertation is to implement an ongoing differentiated instruction staff development model that may result in effective teaching practices; thus affecting student achievement. This model will serve as a representation of how teachers can develop a range of instructional strategies that will adversely have an effect on student learning outcomes.
Statement of the problem
Not all students are the same. Based on this information, differentiated instruction applies an approach to teaching and learning so that all students have numerous ways for understanding information. Teaching by using the differentiation model requires teachers to be flexible in teaching techniques and adjusting the curriculum to meet the needs of a diverse set of students. The teacher uses a blend of whole group, small group, and individual instruction. Differentiation is a theory that is based on instructional approaches that vary depending on a diverse population of students within the classroom.
Classrooms mirror an ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diverse population of students (Marx, 2000). Effective teachers understand this fact and must be able to teach all students. The classroom is not made up of all average students on the same learning level either. According to the U.S. Department of Education (2001), many classrooms have students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP). These IEP's require teachers to teach to the student's ability. In addition to having students that need an IEP, the students that are labeled as gifted are in the same class. Students with multiple exceptionalities are in the same classroom as the students with an IEP, gifted, and average students. All of these students deserve and require receptive instruction that will help them to develop to their full ...