Difference In Having Twins Versus A Single Child

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Difference In Having Twins Versus A Single Child

Biology versus Sociology; single nucleotide polymorphism versus family and friends; neurotransmitters versus sibling rivalries, deoxyribonucleic acid versus broken homes; nature versus nurture. The nature versus nurture debate has been a classic argument among experts for decades causing a great deal of controversy. The nature side of the debate believes that genes determine one's personality, attitudes, and behaviour. On the other hand, the nurture side of the debate believes that people's past experiences and the environment they grow up in affect the way they develop.

Both sides of the argument have been investigated thoroughly among researchers. One specific issue that is central to the general debate is whether intelligence is inherited or learned. While there have been many experiments on twins, which support the nature side of the debate, other well-researched studies on intelligence provides more convincing results to show that nurture affects personality and behaviour to a greater extent. Furthermore, IQ tests and other studies on orphans also prove that nurture is more influencing that nature. It is actually an interaction of nature and nurture that determines what kind of person one is or will become, but nurture affects it more. True, it is heredity that determines one's potential, but it is the environment that influences if, when, and to what extent one will reach that potential.

There have been many experiments performed on twins in order to help decide which factor influences one's personality more. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and his colleagues in the psychology department of the University of Minnesota have done extensive research on twins. There studies show that identical twins that grow up apart have about the same correlation in occupations, personalities and interests as those who grow up together. So, essentially, his studies obviously show that genetics play a far greater role in the personality and intellectual development of a person than any environmental influences.

In addition, Segal commented that recent twin research showed that the genetic contribution to happiness and stability are about 50% and 80%, respectively, while life events have only a transitory effect on happiness (Segal 55). Segal's conception, if true, substantiate some importance of heredity convincingly. It indicates that heredity certainly does have a notable effect on a person. The nurture side might misdirect you into thinking that their side is better by exhibiting studies and experiments where identical twins have complete different personalities and behaviours. ...
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