Development Of Global Careers

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The Development of Global Careers and the Role of International Assignments

The Development of Global Careers and the Role of International Assignments


International organizations offer an extensive range of employment opportunities that meets the diverse aspirations, attitudes, needs and professionalism. There are, however, difficulties for those interested in an international career and the requirements are often very demanding in terms of both knowledge and experience. Furthermore, we must be willing to stay abroad and find stimulating the idea of working in a dynamic, qualified and competitive. We need a special ability to adapt to environments sometimes disadvantaged and long working hours, as well as the willingness to travel and to be subjected to frequent movement. The purpose of this discussion is to critically analyze the development of global careers and the role of international assignments. This will be done with particular relevance given to the relevant ICHRM (International Conference on Human Resource Management) theoretical and research material

Discussion & Analyses

The job market is very competitive and uncompetitive. It is competitive because the job opportunities are relatively few in number. Competitiveness is often distorted by the need of many organizations to ensure a geographical balance in its staff, setting quotas by geographical area of origin of the staff (Xu, 2012; Hamori & Koyuncu, 2011). We can define uncompetitive because the information about these opportunities is not always readily available and there are often parallel to those official channels of access. On the other hand, the inclusion in an International Organization offers rewards on the moral level that can hardly be achieved in other activities. In addition, high qualification of the activities to be carried out, the opportunity for continued professional growth and expertise, a good economic return and awareness in order to perform a task worthy of development and peaceful cooperation among nations.

Further difficulties may be encountered in the selection of organizations to contact. And 'advisable to select some areas of interest and then explore them considering them as specific markets. For example, if we are interested in development cooperation is important to identify the main institutions involved in the sector, the professional opportunities of the limited market, assess their skills, consistent with the activities to be performed, and identify pathways towards improving the same (Corbin, Fisher & Bull, 2012; McDermott & Neault, 2011). The financial resources available for the activities of international organizations are on a downward trend and, therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to recruit staff with permanent contracts and increases the use of flexible forms of work for a wide range of assignments and positions.

The international career is often seen as an ambition as prestigious as difficult to achieve. International career means many things: we see what are the main possible paths for those who work in the field of supranational and what are the best ways to achieve these goals (Traavik & Richardsen, 2010; Jenkins, Balneaves & Lust, 2011). For instance, the diplomatic service is the form of the most fascinating international career that raises the collective great ...
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