Development Delayed Disorder

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Development Delayed Psychological Disorder


In this study we try to explore the concept of Development Delayed psychological Disorder in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Development delayed psychological Disorder and its relation with young children. The research also analyzes many aspects of Development Delayed psychological Disorder and tries to gauge its effect on young children.

Table of Contents




Description and Analysis5

Emotional-Affective Disorders6

Variability of mood and emotions that accompany it6

Loss of contact with reality6

Anxiety and Confusion7

A sense of insecurity8

The lack of attention and concentration8

Troubles in learning9

It is the same with school learning10



Development Delayed Psychological Disorder


A developmental disorder is a disorder that occurs at some stage during childhood, and often delays the development. This may include psychological or physical disorders. Developmental disorders originate in the prenatal, perinatal, or early childhood and are the expression of brain dysfunction. In fact, developmental disorders refer to a heterogeneous group of disorders and chronic diseases that share the main characteristic of present disturbances in the acquisition or expression of developmental skills. These skills are clustered in different developmental areas: fine and gross motor, the language, the personal and social skills, the cognition and activities of daily living. These areas are not completely separate or mutually exclusive.

Usually the most severe pathologies are identified earlier than minor and moderate forms. The latter is more frequent. Developmental disabilities include cerebral palsy, global developmental delay, the disability, the primary disorder of language, the spectrum disorder of autism, the disorder attention deficit with/and hyperactivity, disorders of learning, disorder developmental coordination as well as genetic and chromosomal abnormalities.


There is a distinction between a developmental delay and developmental disabilities. The delay or developmental delay is characterized by the presence of a slow acquisition by the standards in one or more areas of development. Developmental delay demonstrates a respect for the sequence of development while the developmental disorder is represented by a disruption in the sequence of acquisition of developmental skills. The developmental disorder may be exposed to two different forms are a dissociation in the development of several areas (e.g. a child with cerebral palsy shows mainly motor disturbances and attacks in other areas are less prevalent) and a deviance which is a disorder in an acquisition sequence of the different areas (e.g. a child with a disorder of the autism spectrum which shows a higher than expressive language receptive language) (Emerson, 2005).

Description and Analysis

For psychological development, it means the psycho-emotional and emotional child is contributing to the formation of his own personality, but also the nature of his relationship to others, starting from his parents, and the world, and the impact of the development of intellectual performance, so his ability to learn.

In all cases of parental abuse, that it is voluntary (physical abused children and psychologically by a parent in good conscience, to do him harm) or unintentional (poor young mothers, parent, usually following a court, is forced to separate from his/her children in the event of a dispute about custody), disorders in the psychological development of ...
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