Development Delay

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Development Delay in Children

Development Delay in Children


Bronfenbrenner (1979) proposed an ecological perspective of human behavioral development. This perspective views the ecological environment as a set of structures in different levels, where each of these levels contains the other. Bronfenbrenner calls these levels the micro, meso, exosystem and the macrosystem. The microsystem is the most immediate level which develops the individual (usually the family). The meso understands the interrelationships of two or more environments in which the developing person actively participates. The exosystem consists of a larger context that does not include the person as an active subject. Finally, the macro shapes the culture and subculture in which it develops the individual and all individuals in society. Bronfenbrenner (1979) argues that the training capacity of a system depends on the existence of social interconnections between this system and others. All levels of the proposed ecological model depend on each other and, therefore, require the joint involvement of different contexts and communication between them. Bronfenbrenner and Ceci (1994) modified the original theory and formed a new concept of human development as a bio-ecological theory. Within this theory, development is conceived as a phenomenon of continuity and change of bio-psychological characteristics of human beings, both as groups of individuals. The critical element of this model is the experience that includes not only the objective properties but also those that people experience subjectively while living in that environment (Bronfenbrenner, 1979).


Urie Bronfenbrenner Theory

According to the Bronfenbrenner in his ecological model theory, he looks to describe the variations in the knowledge of an individual, his development and capabilities with the help, support and construct of the community or society they live in. According to Bronfenbrenner, there is a significant impact on a child's development due to the interplay between various coinciding ecosystems. According to the theory, the microsystem comprises of family, friends, school and classrooms, and community or neighborhoods. These are the basic groups which occupy a child and directly influence his development. When there are two Microsystems, which start to work collectively (for instance teacher and parent who work together for the education of a child), it forms the mesosystem. There are external factors as well, which do not influence a child directly or influence his development. Furthermore, this ecosystem affects the development of a child through the interaction and changes in its microsystem. Lastly, there is the macrosystem according to which, the child's indirectly influence to the entire system is the result of the society and culture.

These influences have a significant impact on a child as he or she grows up. In the current study, there are two stages, which will use to discuss the issue. These two stages are 2 to 6 year old stage and the adolescent stage. These are the two stages during which a child spends significant time in studies, have friends, and spend a lot of time in his home and neighborhood.

The development of a child incorporates a process according to which, the developmental skills ...
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