Developing An Implementation Plan For Health Care Center

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Developing an Implementation Plan for Health Care Center

Developing an Implementation Plan for Health Care Center


The health care centers are the place where people can use the services for a wide range of problems. The services are provided by the trained and quality practitioners of the center, which are known as the health care service providers. The health care providers treat the patients for their illness and diseases, and provide them an opportunity to live a much healthier life. Health care service providers involve in diagnosing the injury, illness, disease, or any other mental or physical impairments a person possesses. After diagnosing the problem, the health care providers than provide the treatment to the patient. Furthermore, the patients are also advised with the precautionary measures, which will help them restrict from any future issues. The secondary purpose of these health care centers is to gather the data of the people regarding their health status (Irvine, 2002).

The health care centers in United States are growing to a greater extent. The emergence of technologically advanced equipments has helped the industry to grow even further. A tremendous change has also been seen in the emergence of latest and more advanced drugs, procedures, tests, imaging machinery, and devices, which has helped the service providers to provide better care to the people.

From past several years, both the private and public sector organizations have made several initiatives in identifying the causes and impacts of various disabilities and diseases which the people are facing. They have also made extensive research on identifying various methods and tools through which the treatment procedure can be practiced with better cure.

Method of Obtaining Necessary Approval from Management

Before obtaining the approval from the upper management, there will be the need to conduct a proper research with all the stake holders of the institute. This will include all the staff members, care providers, management staff, owners, and patients. Though, this will be discussed in the later part of the plan. The part will be to identify the current issues that are evident, which can be seen without conducting any research. These issues are known as the core and major issues. Then organizing a meeting with the upper management in order to present to them and make them aware about those issues which have been identified. A formal presentation will be presented, which will cover all those issues which need to be addressed (Kovner, and Knickman, 2008).

In order to get support from the fellow staff, informal meetings will be conducted with them while having lunch or a chit chat during the breaks. The issues will be discussed with them, so that they must support the idea of bringing in some fruitful changes in the policies and procedures of the institution. Furthermore, their ideas must also be taken in this regard; it will give a clear indication of how much serious they are with the change.

Description of Current Problem, Issue, or Deficit requiring a Change

Research has been conducted using primary and secondary ...
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