The use of dental implants and implantology in general has been seen as of great help and importance for the replacement of lost teeth in recent times. With the help of Dental Implants, patients can significantly improve the quality of their health and their life in general (Drago, 2007). No one can deny the possibility of losing natural teeth as they can be lost in many different ways, giving rise not only to inconvenience aesthetic but also functional problems at the expense of the masticatory system. In addition, the loss of natural teeth also affects the detriment of phonation and respiratory activity. If the edentulism were in a very advanced stage and would not be taken care of in a timely manner, this could also add numerous other problems to the detriment of other body systems (Vouros et al., 2012).
The dental implant essentially consists of two main parts: the bolt and the column. The first is inserted surgically into the bone of the patient, while the second carries out the task of creating a connection between the screw and the prosthetic structure that is generally recognised as tissue supported dental implant. In fact, the two techniques are both reliable and valid, while the technique of immediate loading also allows patients to lower their costs because it involves a lower number of interventions/controls (Jiménez-López & Keogh, 2005). However, for use of immediate loading it is necessary that the implant has an excellent primary stability, which is based on a fine quality of seal in the bone. It is also important to know that immediate and delayed loading is determined by the dentist after thorough evaluation of the denture. In addition to this, there is also possibility of complications in relation to dental implants that may affect not only the health but also the quality of life of patients (Jiménez-López & Keogh, 2005).
This paper aims to discuss the bone level and tissue level implants with their advantages/ disadvantages and any problems associated with these two techniques. However, in order to proceed in this research, it is important to have understanding of dental implants.
Dental implant is made of titanium, a material that allows the replacement of lost tooth in an optimal way being biocompatible and particularly resistant. Once a patient is entered the dental implant, the root titanium is incorporated into the bone and integrates seamlessly with it. This establishes a direct connection between the bone and the surface of the dental implant at both the functional and structural levels (Branemark, 2001). The excellent osseointegration is critical to the success of dental implants, which have proven to be extremely reliable. In fact, the percentage of successful interventions in implant dentistry is nearly 100%, and it can last for several years if properly maintained. It is also important to know that dental implants osseointegrated do not give rise to phenomena of rejection. This is due to the fact that in contrast to the natural teeth implants are true circular ligament, which would ...