Asepsis In Dental Implantology

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Asepsis in Dental Implantology

Asepsis in Dental Implantology


It is found that it is very informative to demonstrate how to perform a surgical scrub and how to use the procedure of asepsis in dental implantology, also to see the step-by-step guide to sterile the dental equipments. In modern dentistry, the Dental Implantology is widely used method of implantation of artificial supports for removable and fixed dentures. Implants increase the chances of a dentist in the recovery of full and partial defects of dentition and have many advantages over traditional dentures. Asepsis in dental implantology is a set of preventive measures to prevent germs in the problem area of the patient's teeth. Asepsis and antisepsis are a single set of activities, so they cannot be separated.

How would you minimize the introduction of oral commensal and pathogens into the surgical site?

The micro organisms, which are commonly, found in the mouth of the patient may cause infection in the mouth of the patient; when non-sterilized introduced to tissues exposed during the surgical procedures. The most common source of oral commensal and pathogens in the dental, surgical site is the patient itself and the flora that exist in his body. To minimize the introduction of oral commensal and pathogens into the surgical site, the mouth of patient has to be rinsed and washed with the chemicals. Dental implantology is one of the most promising and rapidly developing areas of modern dentistry. Currently, dental implantology from the category of alternative treatments has passed into the category commonly used in clinical practice methods of restoring teeth. High-growth rates are observed in dental implantology in various past studies.

The dental implantology considered as the rather exotic method of treatment and the cost of dental implants repelled many potential patients, but today dental implants available to many more people. This is due both to the development and improvement of new types and techniques of dental implants and a significant decrease in the cost of dental implants. Dental implantology of teeth used as in the case of single defects dentition and the absence of several teeth, as well as the complete absence of teeth. Dental implants are generally made of materials that include titanium, zirconium, corundum ceramics, fusion of the surface of a dental implant with bone tissue), and resistant to corrosion, do not cause allergic reactions, is well compatible with the materials of construction superstructure. Therefore, after the above description, the most important way of minimizing the introduction of pathogens and oral commensal into the dental, surgical site is to use the aseptic technique while treating the patient.

How would you prevent the introduction of non-commensal pathogens from extra-oral sites into the surgical field?

To eliminate the extra oral non-commensal pathogens from the extra-oral sites into the surgical site is the sterilization. Sterilization is the elimination of non-commensal pathogens that exist in the surfaces of the armamentarium, by chemical, physical and mechanical methods. Various past studies suggest that the principle of using sterile drapes and gowns is a perquisite for a ...
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