Death Penalty For Minors And Mentally Insane

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Death Penalty for Minors and Mentally Insane



Background of the Study

Death penalty is one of the oldest methods of penalty for the offenses and crimes. The key distinctive aspect defines the idea of the death penalty for minors and mentally insane is the most severe punishment enforceable by the State in the public interest and only by a court. An individual who is found convicted and given death penalty doesn't only one who suffers but the family of the verdict also suffers the pain (Fridell, 2004).

Death penalty as a sentence proceeded by a long period of trial in which the defendant has the opportunity to challenge the court's decision by submitting an appeal. Often this leads to the fact that sentenced to death an individual can wait for the execution for years. Death penalty is still applied in many countries, including developed nations such as United States (Connors, 2007). In America, the death penalty for minors is permissible for those who do serious crimes i.e. murder, high jacking etc. This trend can be most clearly seen in the United States, where the convict waits for the final judgment and brings it into action for usually not less than ten years.

Aim and Objectives

The aim of this research study is to assess the role of death penalty for minors and mentally insane in United States. Because, the vast majority of states that still maintain the death penalty depends, no minors more to go, but in some countries youth are still not completely secure from the death penalty.

Research Question

This research will answer the below mentioned questions.

What is the role role of death penalty for minors and mentally insane in United States?

What do the courts say about death penalty?

Is the death penalty racially biased?

Have innocent people been executed?

Significance of the Study

This research study will have utmost significance as it focuses on the role of death penalty for minors and mentally insane in United States.


Death penalty, both in America and all around the world, is unfair and is used unreasonably against the poor, minorities and members of racial as well as for ethnic and religious communities. In view of the fact that humans are fallible, then the risk of executing the innocents can never be eliminated (Gross et. Al., 2005). But there are some countries that still carry out the proceeding against the serious verdicts. For instance, states in the Asia such as the leader in the number of annual executions are China followed by Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (Hood, 2006).

Moreover, United States is among the leading states in the number of executions. Even though, the death penalty is the federal law of the state, its use is mainly based on the criminal laws of different countries. According to the law of United States, an individual sentenced to death will automatically be allowed to appeal to higher courts. This is the major reason by which criminal cases extend over a long period of time. Death row offenders may be pardoned ...
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