De-Escalation The Patient's Aggression

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De-Escalation the Patient's Aggression

De-Escalation the Patient's Aggression

Cojoc, M. Ngui, J. (2011). Meeting an Aggressive Patient. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44 (6), 63-82

In this article the authors have stated that as compared to other occupational groups nursing is the most common occupation facing violence and aggression at workplace. Various research has been conducted on different type of aggressive event, such as, Health service advisory committee of United Kingdom had conducted a survey where 5000 questionnaires were distributed to various health care students and health workers, the results of that study showed that current students are at higher risk to face aggressive students as compared to those who are currently graduate since it is predicted that this phenomena is going to increase in future. The purpose of authors behind writing this article was that they wanted students of first to be prepared on prior basis to manage effectively when faced with an aggressive patient. Authors identified some causes and consequences of Aggressive behavior of patients along with its preventions. Author's idea behind writing this paper is prepare current students to meet the aggressive patient's behavior. Moreover they stated that there are various ethical issues faced by nurses when dealing with patients of aggressive behavior such as taking revenge, prejudice, use of power etc, so they should also keep this particular issue in mind. They analyzed that current students of first year do not have much knowledge about the de-escalation and aggression techniques. Finally they recommended that there should be such course in the curriculum of first year, however it can be introduced as an optional course of compulsory.

Nau J. , Halfens R. , Needham I . & Dassen T. (2009) The De-Escalating Aggressive Behavior Scale: development and psychometric testing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(9), 1956-1964

The goal of Nau, Halfens, Needham, & ...
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