Cyber Bullying

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Cyber Bullying


Cyber-bullying is "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others". As it has become more common in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to combat it.


Internet has created a whole new world of communication for young people. They can use email, websites, instant messaging and text messages (SMS) to stay in touch with friends or make new ones. Exchanges are possible around the web today. Even online games and virtual worlds have a fashion chat.

Although most of these interactions are positive, more and more children and teenagers use them to intimidate and harass others, a practice has become known as cyber bullying. According to a study, half the students reported having been targets of cyber bullying.

Clearly, cyber bullying is traumatic for young people: it is a form of social death. It differs from traditional bullying by his character both public and anonymous. Cyber bullying has transformed the traditional image of "bully" it is not as "tough guys" who bully online, do as the shy, hiding behind their computer. Bullies anonymous witness's invisible - perhaps accomplices - the targeted person does not know who it is feared.

Technology multiplies the scope can be the bully in him of intimidating anywhere, anytime. Bullying should be reported, but how about the attack that leaves no physical marks, made by unnamed assailants? Tell an adult, yes, but the consequences do not they may be worse than the bullying itself? The adults want to help, but many feel ill-equipped to handle a problem of bullying in the digital world. (Craver, p.45)

What means are used?

The preferred channel of cyber bullying is undeniably, instant messaging, followed by email, and to a lesser extent the gaming sites and social networks.

Some phones even have built-in cameras that add a new dimension to the problem. Students have used them to shoot an overweight classmate in the showers after gym class and a few minutes later, the picture was distributed to all email addresses from the school.

The emerging trend of sex may also be open to cyber bullying: personal messages, photos compromising even sent to real friends - and boyfriends - can be embarrassing if the relationship turns sour, and that is private photos are disclosed.

On social networking sites, you can now tag a photo with the names of persons who are represented. This simple fact can lead to cyber bullying, as these pictures appear in a search on a person's name, and may be hijacked by anyone, if you have not taken the precaution to set their profile to protect access to these photos .

The online multiplayer games and virtual worlds have a way chat that allows players to interact and work together. But again, anywhere communication is possible, bullying is too: according to a report Pew Internet & American Life Project , more than half of kids who play online say they have witnessed openly aggressive behavior on the part some players. One third of them say that it "often." (Keith, p.100)

Who bullies and why?

Cyber ??bullies

A quarter of cyber-bullies ...
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