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Curriculum Guides for Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Mathematics

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Curriculum Guides for Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Mathematics

The main objective of Curriculum Guide is to provide students a guideline, so they can plan their study programs for number of courses. Parents, teachers, and counselors can help them in planning study program. Curriculum guide is illustrated after considering duration of course, level of instructions, specific requirement and qualification, and grade criteria. The aim of this Curriculum Guide is to guide students about reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics.

Objective of Each Intervention or Strategy

Reciprocal reading strategy has four objectives. First is to enhance reading comprehension by providing students with tactics required to keep an eye on comprehension and text meaning. Secondly, it also facilitates teachers and students to take responsibility mutually for attaining the strategies of reading. After initial assumptions that teacher is accountable about major responsibility, gradually the responsibilities are shifted to students- self management. The third objective is the teacher provides support as needed by the student. Lastly, the teachers constantly try to move the control of conversation over to students.

Writing-to -learn strategy or writing across the curriculum facilitates in communicating information, clarify thinking, and provide opportunity to learn new concepts and information. The objective of writing-to-learn is to promote learning; the combination of writing process and writing promotes participation of students, as well as promotes their contents in the form of important resources and tools of thinking; in order to provide opportunity to develop good writers, and to develop effective communication within academic discipline that can be only possible by practicing conventions of academic writing and thinking.

The spelling intervention designed to facilitates in how students can learn spelling, as well as enhance their capability to learn how to spell any new or difficult word, at any time. The objective of spelling intervention "Words their Way" introduces to provide students regular opportunity to display and reflect their knowledge and understanding about spelling.

The objective behind introducing mathematical interventions of "Effective Institutional Approach" is to improve students understanding of mathematical concepts, so that they can apply and demonstrate a comprehensive sense among students to estimate, and measurements relative change in function's value by using differentials. Another object of mathematical intervention is to understand continuous function graphs, and to clarify the concept of derivatives by using graphs or algebraically using limits. Another objective is to learn Riemann Sums effectively, and to enhance student's ability to estimate, evaluate and calculate values of integral. Lastly, investigative approach is to develop students understanding of Calculus.

Strategies / Interventions

Reciprocal Learning Strategy

Reciprocal reading strategy is a mutual learning method to improve intellectual reading capacity. This strategy can be employed in individual teaching or tutoring. Palincsar & Brown, (1984) affirmed that in reciprocal teaching strategy, teacher and students talk about particular segment of content by making use of text reading strategies of questioning, clarifying, summarizing, and predicting. The techniques to give instruction in this strategy entailed are explanation by demonstrating or modeling, feedback practice, and ...
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