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Curriculum Assessment

Curriculum Assessment

How do tests clarify curriculum?

In order to test the standard of the curriculum, it is important for the educational organization to set a criterion for this purpose. The criteria to test the curriculum can be based on the performance of the students in their studies, or on the performance of the teachers in their classrooms. All educational objectives can, more or less easily, with more or less success, to be evaluated (Earl, Lorna, 2003). The method to evaluate the performance of the students can be based on the following method:

The cognitive domain, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and analytical skills: knowledge and know-how.

The affective domain, the development of attitudes in relation to educational content, relative to the group, knowing how to be, see, feel and react.

The psychomotor domain, the enrichment of motor behavior, motor skills.

The social context in permanent relationships at all levels: to cooperate and compete (Earl, Lorna, 2003).

This systematic classification, though artificial, we can see the effects of the educational process. Therefore, the aim of evaluation is to bring up that purpose, make them transparent, indirectly, through an appropriate methodology.

On the other hand, the performance of the teachers in an educational institution can be evaluated by mediating role of pedagogical action, the teacher is not neutral, as it agrees entirely on the teaching situation, with what you believe, what you say, what you do with what it is. According to the tone that adopts the look that gives the gesture you make, your message becomes a definite value, for all students and resonance for any of them (Earl, Lorna, 2003). The teacher must make its assessment in the following areas:

Study of unique characteristics (skills, motivations, habits, knowledge).

Observation of their behavior (behavioral traits and social relations)

Study of the effects of the educational process for the students selected.

The teacher should evaluate their "pedagogical strategy" understood as the science and / or art of combining and coordinating actions to achieve a goal.

Corresponds to a schedule to reach a result by proposing goals to be achieved and the means for achieving them.

The notion of strategy, rather than the method emphasizes the interdependence between the choice of media and the earlier stages of formulation of objectives, identification of the characteristics of students, analysis of resources and difficulties (Earl, Lorna, 2003).

Choose a recent test from your classroom, based on you learned from the reading would the test as written truly measure students' attainment of the curricular aims being assessed?

It is important for teachers to understand what is necessary for students to achieve as it will almost surely be more instructively successful than teachers whose understanding of hoped-for student accomplishments are murky. In this chapter, I will elaborate on how educational tests can help teachers get a clearer idea of the direction in which their instruction ought to be headed (Yu, Ho, 2005). The method of testing their curriculum might include the following steps:

Evidence of assessment of competence based curriculum more meaningful indicators of the ...
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