Cultural Effect

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Cultural Effect

[Writer`s Name]

[Institute`s Name]


Culture can be understood as the traditions, customs, beliefs, values, norms, and perspectives that are learned through shared behavioural patterns and cultural practices passed down from generation to generation. Culture is learned implicitly, though it is the foundation for meanings we attribute to our perceptions and it influences how we describe events. At its most fundamental level, culture is reflected in the attitudes and behaviours that characterize a group of people who share implicit norms and rules. Unpacking these implicit norms and rules can be accomplished by investigating the primary components of culture: code, communication, and community. These primary components are interrelated in constructing culture. For example, a code is a system of rules, practices, and meanings for individuals in a specific culture. Thus, any code is conveyed through communication among individuals belonging to the same community—those individuals who demonstrate an affiliation with the implicit norms, rules, and beliefs of one's culture. Although often associated with ethnicity, culture can be defined on many different levels (such as by nationality, corporately, etc.). We exist as cultures within cultures. In this paper, we try to focus on the cultural effects on Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions.

Table of Content



Chapter I: Introduction1

Chapter II: Literature Review1

Chapter III: Methodology1

Chapter IV: Findings2

Chapter V: Conclusion2


Research objective3


Cross Border Merger and Acquisition4

Culture Effect5

Cultural effect on cross border merger and Acquisition6

Cross border merger and Acquisition in two different organizations8


Qualitative Research10

Research Strategy10

Data Sources11

Research Design11






Chapter I: Introduction

The research subject/project will be introduced in the start, consisting of the aims and objectives of the research as well as its logic and reasons. Additionally detailed research questions will be mentioned, to give an analysis of argumentation, and the main themes will be introduced that the research desires to analyze. In this paper, we will going to focus on cultural effect on cross border merger and Acquisitions.

Chapter II: Literature Review

The data for literature review is gathered from secondary sources that are available at the Howard University libraries and on the Internet. The literature review section discusses the historical precedents of interfaith efforts, and current challenges of interfaith cooperation. In addition, the research will also review what mainstream denominations oppose interfaith cooperation and which embrace such efforts. And finally, what past and current issues inhibit interfaith coalition building. Current purposes of interfaith

Chapter III: Methodology

The research approach used will be qualitative. Qualitative research is much more subjective than quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information which could be both primary and secondary. This study will be based on both methods. The primary will gather information from the project implemented. The nature of this type of research is exploratory and open-ended. The methodology used for the purpose of this research is based on research and projects currently being used to engage cultural effect on cross border merger.

The analysis and conclusions are drawn on the current projects in play and resources listed in the references. The research encompasses the publications, articles and similar ...
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