Cultural Diversity

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Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity

Essay 1

Puerto Ricans are considered United States citizens because Puerto Rico is considered United States territory. Puerto Ricans are usually fluent in both English and Spanish, which makes life somewhat easier for them in the United States. Puerto Rican families are typically headed by the women (Franklin, 2006). Religion for Puerto Ricans varies because they may be Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, or any other type of religion. Many Puerto Ricans live in Puerto Rico or in and around New York City. Many of them found employment in industry and service areas (Bhatt 2006). Puerto Ricans have as many rights in politics as other United States citizens. They do have a few exclusions.

Many Cuban Americans and their ancestors arrived in the United States looking for a better life. They wanted to come to the United States to get away from their tyrannical government, terrible living conditions and economic struggle. When the Cubans first migrated to the United States women who usually did not have to work outside the home had to seek employment. The Cuban American cultures are influenced by the Spanish colonists that settled in Cuba. Abbasi & Hollman (2001) stated that Most Cuban Americans belong to the Roman Catholic Church. There are some Cuban Americans, who believe in Santeria, Jewish, and there are some who are non-religious.

Cuban Americans do not feel that they should forget the Spanish language but they are aware that they need to learn fluent English. Topppo (2006) stated that "They are politically active with three members in the United States House of Representatives and two Senators in the House of Senate.” Bian & Chen (2000 157) stated that “Cuban Americans are reputed to be conservative politically and to vote overwhelmingly for the Republican Party in elections.” Adler (2006 871) stated that “They have been economically successful in establishing businesses and developing political clout by transforming Miami from a beach retirement community into a modern city with distinct Hispanic flavor.” Cubans are accepted in Florida and they are known as hard honest workers.

The major difference between the groups is their level of assimilation and cultural beliefs. While the Puerto Ricans and Cuban Americans are much assimilated to the American norm, Having such bond makes their ability to assimilate into mainstream culture difficult.

Essay 2

While many Americans tend to see Asian Americans as one group, the experiences of Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans illustrate the differences between these groups. Japanese Americans experienced extreme discrimination during World War II, but have since managed to maintain a level of economic success. Chinese Americans, who have a longer history in the United States, adapted to their new country by establishing Chinatowns that continue to give this community many strengths and weaknesses.

In “The Myth of the Model Minority,” Philip Chiu talks about how the Chinese American had became the poster boy for the Model Minority. He talked about the Chinese change from obeying the law, and staying clear of crimes, to joining gangs and commit criminal activities (Takaki ...
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