Cultural Diversity

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Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity


We live in an environment, where we encounter different languages, cultures. We as individuals have to bend ourselves accordingly to better communicate ourselves. Cultural diversity relates to changes in human society or societies that occur due to difference in language, religion that all relates to culture as a whole. There are different people living in different areas, countries or region and all differ from one another on grounds of cultural diversity. The major difference that occurs between people are their languages, tradition, dress, overall they way they live their life's. There are also signification variations among society how they organize themselves; they do have different trends and methods of dealing problems with in their lives. Through this description it can be argued that cultural diversity is essential for the long term survival of mankind and the culture indigenous is very much important for the survival of mankind as species and life in general. The cultural diversity in United States consists of western culture that is also influenced by people living there, for example Asian, African, Native Americans etc. This culture also includes both liberal and conservative behavior, however America has some consistent ideological principles it's dominated by various cultures due to its extensive geographic boundaries. Strong cultural diversity is still prevails in America, dominated by few cultures that are in nomination in terms of their number. With the wide increase in diversity of culture within the country, country has to face wide variety of issues in all sectors. In the criminal justice, some of the key issues our country faces are racial profiling, discrimination among individuals.

A big picture of cultural diversity is how people understand and listen what other people are trying to convey through their messages either verbal or non verbal (Kerwin.B.L, 2012). A huge training is required to let person know what other person is trying to convey them, for example, this happens a lot when there is a person who belongs from a gang and was in the phase of interrogation by officer. People involves in gang type crime, have very different sort of criminal mind that they are terrorized in so many ways to get information hidden inside them. There is also cultural diversity that exists among the police officers as well, for example after interrogation one police officer may have totally different opinion about the criminal, other police officer comes with totally different perception about him. So cultural diversity exists everywhere, however the impact of such diversity depends upon surrounding and understanding level an individual can create with another individual. Cultural diversity within a police can create a huge problem for overall community safety and their concerns. For this reason, police officers must be trained properly and must be tested on various grounds before they actually start working in the real environment.

There are many cultural diversities that exist in our environment in which we operate, however my research paper will focusing on cultural diversity in criminal justices and proposing proper solution to solve ...
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