Culminating Project

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Culminating Project

Culminating Project

Goal setting plan

Goal setting is a very important activity and I think it helps one to identify his or her goals, after identifying those goals, setting plan helps in understanding each goal importance and helps in measuring goal. In order to prepare a goal setting plan one should develop a framework of goal such as SMART. I will use this approach to explain my goal setting plan. My plan is to Gain weight, I will analyze this goal with respect to SMART approach.


Specific: I have decided to gain ten pounds of weight, Primarily Muscle, this is my specific goal.

Measurable: I will measure my weight progress on weekly basis. So, every week I need to gain at least 1.25 pounds of weight, for having a muscular body.

Attainable: My goal is attainable if I manage to take extra seven hundred calories per day; increase in calories will help me in lifting my weight four times a week.

Realistic: I will maintain my calorie intake and I will workout on weekly basis, this will help me in making my goal realistic and achievable.

Timely: I have made two month timeline for achieving my goal.

I think my SMART goal is achievable and realistic; my smart goal will help in adjusting my calorie intake. Somehow, if, I am not able to gain enough in one week, this framework will help in letting me know about the next steps for getting back to track. With the help of this approach goal I will be able to meet my deadline for accomplishing my SMART goal.

Refocusing Plan

This is a plan that identifies what factors contribute to distractions during competition. Whenever you have a plan for achieving goal there are many distracting forces which may create hurdles for achieving goal. I have decided to gain weight, in my case I think there will be many situations where I would not eat enough food in order to gain calorie. Eating excessive food sometimes becomes embarrassing. There are very few people who understand the advantage for gaining weight for skinny people. (American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1973) No doubt it is not easy to drop pounds. However it is equally not important to gain weight. It is very difficult for those who are naturally slim. I think couple of strategies will assist me in gaining some pound and overcoming embarrassing situation. Firstly for gaining weight it is important to increase the consumption of calorie, and does not mean that I will go for candy, cookies or cake. (Rhodes, S. S., 1991) In any party where eating excessive food may result in embarrassing situation, I have decided to prepare a chart of dishes; I will mark the number of calories with each dish. This strategy will help in identifying the dish which contains the highest number of calories. In any social party I will try to look for a meal which contain the highest number of calorie and fulfills my requirement. Selection of appropriate dish will help me in ...
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