Culminating Research Paper

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Culminating Research Paper

Table of Contents

Introduction/Background Information3

Problem Statement4

The Report Organization4

The Sources and Methods of Data Collection5

Literature Review5



Culminating Research Paper

Introduction/Background Information

In this report the researcher has tried to critically analyze trust and its effects on leadership and various organizational behavior theories. This report has been written in concerns with the changes that have taken place in the field of leadership and organizational behavior. According to Price & Ritcheske (2001, p.115) “Trust is the basis from which all true leaders operate. Without trust, there is little on which to build sustainable success”.

This report has been developed in accordance with the diverse organizational and leadership changes that have taken place in this ever developing era. The researcher has studied the specified case and attempted to provide a critical analysis and emphasis on the importance of this topic. The report has been broken down into key headings to guide the reader throughout the discussion. Firstly, there is an introduction section, followed by key headings which the Researcher deems important to highlight the effects of trust on leadership and other organizational behavior concepts. The key headings are: what is leadership, importance and qualities of a leader, what is trust how trust is key to effective leadership. After a brief discussion, the researcher will provide research in the area of trust and its effects on various organizational behavior concepts. Recommendation and a conclusion are included in the report. It is a must to give the reader a clear understanding of how to build mutual trust in an organization.

Problem Statement

The purpose of this report is to critically analyze and discuss why trust is the key to effective leadership in an organizational context. The topic was researched and broken down into main headings with a discussion which will be strengthened by references from credible authors which will give the reader a clear and precise overview of the importance of trust as the key to effective leadership in an organizational context.

The Report Organization

The report is illustrated in accordance with the unit outline. There is an introduction, followed by the discussion section, which outlines the key headings that relate to the topic and case study. The report is then concluded with a recommendation, conclusion and references to validate the researcher's points.

The Sources and Methods of Data Collection

All research material used has been sourced from accredited authors. The National Library (Singapore) and associated journal database were utilized to source the material and nineteen references were used.

Literature Review

Leadership is a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of others (Mills, 2005).

Leadership is reciprocal relationship between those who choose to lead and those who decide to follow. Strategies, tactics, skills, and practices are empty unless we understand the fundamental human aspirations that connect leaders and their constituents (Kouzes & Posner, 2003).

Management is about planning, coordinating and putting appropriate performance systems in place. Leadership, however, is about being visionary, proactive, anticipating change and sometimes even responding positively to change. Managers can be inspirational but leaders create the ...
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