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Cuban Missile Crisis

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Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban crisis exploded the evening of Oct. 22, when U.S. president John F. Kennedy revealed there were Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba with the capability to hit North America. Kennedy warned Kremlin leaders that an American naval quarantine of the island would turn back further offensive Soviet military hardware and the U.S. would take other action if work on the launch sites continued. Secretly, the U.S. also began a series of emergency moves to deploy nuclear weapons in forward bases around the world. The paper arguments on the Cuban Crises and its influence on the foreign policy of US and accentuates if it turned United States to an aggressor or towards strengthening of peace keeping foreign policy.

Cubans and U.S. Foreign Policy

There are several reasons for the Cuban immigrants to have a great influence over the U.S. Foreign policy. The main reason was the history that is discussed above, because of which they had to leave Cuba and move to America. The political condition of Cuba was not good, and people had to suffer a lot and go through torture. So the only way of getting rid from these political issues was to migrate. The way American government welcomed them and developed programs for these Cuban immigrants, they got impressed and eventually settled there without bearing a lot of trouble (Meacham, 10-12).

The time passed by Cubans settled themselves in an excellent way, and contributed a lot in the growth of the country's economy. Then the time came when the United States of America's policy failed. After the forty years of U.S. instituted the restriction to bring democratic reform to Cuba, the same government still rules Cuba, and it will continue ruling it. Even though, the Soviet bloc had a fall for more than 10 years ago, it did not change the government of Cuba. This has influenced the Cuban national over the United States of America's policy. Cuba and America have better relations with others. This has given the America a chance to guide Cuba leading towards the democracy. The only problem that comes here is that if America waits, an impartial government will lead the risk that the Cuba's post Castro era (Clarke, 1-17).

The people of America now want the policies to be changed and follow those that are in Cuba. The influence of Cuban immigrants is so strong, that now the people of America want to their policy to move towards Cuba. The survey of a recent poll of America showed that the majority of the people of America were in favour of lifting the U.S. embargo.

Cuban immigrants are the main influencing factor here, they want the change in the policies, and want it to be like Cuba's policy. They are use to their government policy even though it has been centuries, they have migrated. The reason is that they were always taught their culture and about their government and it suited them more. They built the policies of their country in their minds and ...
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