The Terminal is a movie that is set with an inspiration from the actual story of an Iranian refugee, Merhan Nasseri, who was stranded within an airport in Paris for many years after encountering legal complications. The film gives an account of what goes on with the man and other people surrounding him, showing significant similarities with the actual story.
Critical Review
The Terminal is considered to be a romantic comedy that has been brought together by a number of directors. Therefore, a part from being a dramatic, explosive, or even cinematic, The Terminal is mixed by dramatic and romantic characters and, therefore, this makes the movie to be unique. The characters like Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg helps in enriching the movie by having some fun. This is achieved when Spielberg keeps on exploring new and varied movie characters until he is able to rest on Indiana Jones.
Before I started watching the movie, I had developed two major concerns in relation to the movie presentation. The first concern was about the perception I had created of the movie being a simple repeat of Cast Away film, but this time is was being directed from an airport. The second concern was about the fake European accent from Tom Hanks, which I believed that was to be worse as the Russian ascent of Harrison Ford. During the movie, my concerns are disapproved as Tom Hanks is able to create a more realistic and likable character in the movie. He is able to speak with clarity, and his ascent proves beyond doubt that he is a better actor. Jokes are made about his incapability to fluently speak English or make clear pronunciation when speaking, and this makes the movie to be more interesting (The Terminal, 2004).