Crises Resolution Home Treatment

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Crises Resolution/Home Treatment: Interventions, Policies, Processes and Collaboration

Crises Resolution/Home Treatment: Interventions, Policies, Processes and Collaboration


CRHT (Crises Resolution/Home Treatment) is a process of quick assessment and response for community mental health crises. Afterwards, the team might decide to provide complete care of acute psychiatric care (home service), until the patient is resorted to the appropriate state. A specialist team is responsible for providing acute care as an alternative option to hospitalization for people with serious mental conditions and people requiring emergency treatment. In this essay, the whole discussion is related to a condition of an old man who attempted suicide and subjected to crises resolution home treatment.

CRHT (Crises Resolution/Home Treatment) offers distinct perspective and specialized policies linked to the condition of high priority mental illness. These attribution system and meanings are very useful and success of treatment depends on successfully tackling them. The recovery process involves reorienting towards personal strengths, intervening meaning systems and strategies, which avoid giving illness privileged or dominant position. The thinking such as the need for hospitalization and maintaining physical control is necessary. This would help in future phases in providing care to the patient. If the process of recovery is more practical and autonomous, then it would help in building determination in fighting the acute illness, and dependency and disruption are minimized (McGlynn 2006, pp.2).

The process takes place in the community of the patient with the aim of preserving the family support as a strength and collaboration with social networks. If the patient has family support, then patient would feel helped during the most difficult phase of acute mental health problem. Distress is felt if the patient is taken away from family (Brooker 1990, pp.2). It is difficult to restore contact and relationship with community after admitting to hospital. Then, the stigma linked with psychiatric hospitalization can add to the problem. The Crises Resolution/Home Treatment process focuses on active collaboration with carers and families. These stakeholders are considered active partners in arranging support planning and decision making. Disruption of daily life, uncertainty, anxiety and worry is all understandable outcomes of providing support to a family member during the time of health crises. The difficult mental health issues are considered as problematic for the family, but, in Crises Resolution/Home Treatment model, family support is essential in the recovery process. CRHT recognizes and places patient's needs at centre stage. The elderly person would be treated within his community with support of his family.

Who is the service for?

The service is provided to adults, commonly, who are aged from 16 to 65 years old with severe mental condition such as severe depressive disorder, manic depressive disorders, schizophrenia and other (Gjerris & Kissling 1994, pp.22). The condition is so severe that without the intervention of Crises Resolution/Home Treatment hospitalization would become essential. There should be decision flexibility in each community in order to treat adult patients wherever required. The condition of the old man is quite severe that he has attempted suicide and; therefore, ...
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