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If one mans “freedom fighter” is another mans “terrorist”, than surely one mans “criminal” is another mans “saint”. Elaborating on the causes of criminal behavior can be complex, especially when trying to wrestle with the obvious subjective nature of “criminality” and trying to define the causes of an individual's intent to commit a crime or pursue a criminal lifestyle. (Blair, 1994)

In studying criminal behavior, there are various factors that can account for the reasons why criminals behave in ways that are contrary to the way that the majority of people behave, at least, those who are law abiding citizens. Looking at all the factors, it is difficult to hold one factor primarily responsible when attempting to explain why crime occurs. However, when ranked in terms of importance, Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is the single most prevalent factor in understanding the root causes of criminal behavior.

Criminologists woefully underestimate the role of mental disorders in the causes of criminality

1. Antisocial Personality Disorder and Understanding Criminal Behavior

Several prominent studies show that APD is a strong predictor of criminal activity and is exhibited frequently among the prison population (up to 50%), according to the Public Health Agency of Canada (2002). It follows that these studies show a strong connection between the condition and criminality.

For a better understanding of how APD is an indicator for the likelihood of offending, it must be defined. “Antisocial personality disorder (APD) is characterized by a failure to conform to standards of decency; repeated lying and stealing; a failure to sustain lasting, loving relationships; low tolerance of boredom; and a complete lack of guilt” (Carlson N.R., Buskist W., Enzle M.E., & Heth C.D., 2005) and is also described as having a disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others (American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 1994). This definition as well as the statistical finding that APD is found in a rather large percentage of the prison population suggests that APD is the crucial cause of a broad range of criminal behaviors. A theory related to mental disorder and violent action is proposed by Blair (1994). This theory states that humans might possess a mechanism called the violence inhibition mechanism (VIM), a cognitive mechanism which, when activated by cues of distress in others, in any individual will initiate a withdrawal response from the situation. (Blair, 1994)

The VIM is a prerequisite for the development of three aspects of morality: (1) the moral emotions (e.g., sympathy, guilt, remorse and empathy), (2) the inhibition of violent action that is learned through classical conditioning when any aggressive activity is negatively reinforced, and as a result, over time individuals are less likely to engage in violent activities, and (3) the moral/conventional distinction where moral transgressions are stated and ranked as more serious compared to conventional transgressions (Blair, 1994). Further, Blair (1994) suggests that the lack of VIM will result in the lack of the previously stated three aspects of morality. Behavioral descriptions of “psychopaths” and those with APD such as ...
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