Addiction And Criminality

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Addiction and Criminality

Addiction and Criminality

Task I: Cannabis

Cannabis is a drug used as a spiritual or psychoactive drug generally reffered to as preparations. The word cannabis comes from Mexican Spanish language. According to the United Nations, Cannabis "is the most widely used illicit substances in the world." A typical composition of herbal cannabis in the form of flowers and leaves and stems of female plants expanded mature pistils. Resin in the form of the drug known as hashish (or simply as 'casual'). The main spirit of cannabis compounds is ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (commonly known as THC for short.) Cannabis contains more than 400 chemicals, including at least 66 other cannabinoids (cannabidiol (CBD) of cannabis (CBN) and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), etc.), can lead to different results solely from the compound THC .

The origins of cannabis cab be traced back to third millennium BC. In modern times, the drug has been used for entertainment, religious or spiritual and medicinal. The United Nations estimates that in 2004 about 4% of the world's adult population (162 million) the use of cannabis, 0.6% per year (22.5 million), daily basis. Possession, use, or with the spirit of cannabis Cannabis for sale, as in most parts of the world's illegal in the early 20th century [citation needed]. Since then, a number of countries to strengthen the implementation of the ban on cannabis, while others decreased.

Cannabis is generally found in Central Asia and South Asia. Evidence of Cannabis smoke inhalation can be found in the 3rd millennium BC, as found in the brazier ceremony at ancient burial site in Romania, this carbonation Cannabis seeds said. Cannabis is also known by the ancient Hindus and Sikhs Nihang, India and Nepal to use thousands of years ago. The herb is called Sanskrit ganjika. Old drug Soma, mentioned in the Vedas, and sometimes also with cannabis.

Cannabis is also known to the ancient Assyrians, who discovered the spirit of its properties through the Aryans. Some use it in religious ceremonies, they called qunubu (meaning "way to produce smoke"), may be the origin of modern words "Cannabis." Cannabis also introduced the Aryan Scythians and Thracians / Dacians, whose shamans (the kapnobatai, "Who is smoking / Walk in the Clouds") burned cannabis flowers induce a trance state. [18] Dionysus cult members, I believe in Thrace (Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey) origin, also are thought to have inhaled cannabis smoke. In 2003, the leather basket filled with cannabis leaf fragments and seeds was found next to a 2500 - to 2800 year old mummy of shaman in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Cannabis is consumed in many different ways, most of which involved a small suction pipe, bongs (portable version of the hookah water room), paper packaging of tobacco leaf wrapped weakened joints or smoking.

Cannabis is also used as tablets, extracts, tinctures and be professional development, manufacture and sale to doctors and hospitals, pharmaceutical active ingredient compound, such as following the 'medical' discussions. An evaporator heating herbal cannabis 365-410 ? (185-210 ?), led ...
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